我想测试私有方法的行为。“moveDataToArchive”方法执行 4 个步骤。
它是 4 倍:计算日期 + 调用子方法。
public void testMoveData2Archive() throws Exception{
final long now = 123456789000L;
//Necessary to make the archivingBean runable.
Vector<LogEntry> logCollector = new Vector<LogEntry>();
Deencapsulation.setField(archivingBean, "logCollector", logCollector);
new NonStrictExpectations(archivingBean) {
{ //Lets fake the DB stuff.
invoke(archivingBean, "getConnection");result = connection;
connection.prepareStatement(anyString); result = prepStatement;
prepStatement.executeUpdate(); returns(Integer.valueOf(3), Integer.valueOf(0), Integer.valueOf(3));
new NonStrictExpectations(props) {
{ //This is important. The numbers will be used for one of each 4 submethods
props.getProperty(ArchivingHandlerBean.ARCHIVING_CREDMATURITY_OVER_IN_DAYS); result = "160";
props.getProperty(ArchivingHandlerBean.ARCHIVING_CREDHIST_AGE_IN_DAYS); result = "150";
props.getProperty(ArchivingHandlerBean.ARCHIVING_DEBTHIST_AGE_IN_DAYS); result = "140";
props.getProperty(ArchivingHandlerBean.ARCHIVING_LOG_AGE_IN_DAYS); result = "130";
new Expectations() {
Date expected = new Date(now - (160 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
invoke(archivingBean, "moveCreditBasic2Archive", expected);
expected = new Date(now - (150 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
invoke(archivingBean, "moveCreditHistory2Archive", expected);
expected = new Date(now - (999 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
invoke(archivingBean, "moveDebtorHistory2Archive", expected);
expected = new Date(now - (130 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
invoke(archivingBean, "moveLog2Archive", expected);
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
Deencapsulation.invoke(archivingBean,"moveDataToArchive",cal, props);
有什么问题?请参阅第三个预期日期。这是错误的!(999 而不是 140)。我还改变了通话的顺序。我什至将这些私有方法公开并尝试了它。所有这些变化都没有改变结果:测试是绿色的。