hope you can help me out with this one:

I have a Data-Table where users can enter data, that will be processed later on. As soon as the processing is started (the program controls a machine which takes 1-2 hours to complete) I want to make the data-table unchangeable (so they cant change data while processing is at work) but the data-table should still be scrollable because the list of data is quite long and I mark the row that is currently processed.

I hope you get, what I want to do. I tried

datatable.isenabled = false;

But this disables scrolling. I couldn't find anything similar to

datatable.ischangable = false;

hope you can help me out.

Thanks in advance, Kevin

EDIT: Hi everyone. I found the answer myself:

My Problem was, that I tried to make the datatable read only. Now I tried to make the datagrid-read only and everything works fine!



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myColumn.ReadOnly = true;


datatable.ReadOnly= true;


于 2013-06-25T09:52:23.677 回答