I'm getting the following error

Program received signal: “EXC_BAD_ACCESS”.
warning: check_safe_call: could not restore current frame

warning: Unable to restore previously selected frame.
warning: Unable to restore previously selected frame.

My app is to get wifi information

libHandle = dlopen("/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ MobileWiFi.framework/MobileWiFi",RTLD_LAZY);

open = dlsym(libHandle, "Apple80211Open");
bind = dlsym(libHandle, "Apple80211BindToInterface");
close = dlsym(libHandle, "Apple80211Close");
scan = dlsym(libHandle, "Apple80211Scan");


bind(airportHandle, @"en0");

When the code reaches open(&airportHandle), I receive the error but I'm not sure because at this line it stops.

How can I resolve this?


5 回答 5


For any EXC_BAD_ACCESS errors, you are usually trying to send a message to a released object. The BEST way to track these down is use NSZombieEnabled.

This works by never actually releasing an object, but by wrapping it up as a "zombie" and setting a flag inside it that says it normally would have been released. This way, if you try to access it again, it still know what it was before you made the error, and with this little bit of information, you can usually backtrack to see what the issue was.

It especially helps in background threads when the Debugger sometimes craps out on any useful information.

VERY IMPORTANT TO NOTE however, is that you need to 100% make sure this is only in your debug code and not your distribution code. Because nothing is ever released, your app will leak and leak and leak. To remind me to do this, I put this log in my appdelegate:

if(getenv("NSZombieEnabled") || getenv("NSAutoreleaseFreedObjectCheckEnabled"))
  NSLog(@"NSZombieEnabled/NSAutoreleaseFreedObjectCheckEnabled enabled!");

If you need help finding the exact line, Do a Build-and-Debug (CMD-Y) instead of a Build-and-Run (CMD-R). When the app crashes, the debugger will show you exactly which line and in combination with NSZombieEnabled, you should be able to find out exactly why.

于 2009-11-13T06:37:26.557 回答

EXC_BAD_ACCESS always occurs when accessing memory you already have released. In your sample code, I can't see where airportHandle is initialized, or wheter it is initialized at all for that matter.

If it has been initialized but you just forgot to post that code, you should try checking if you released the handle somewhere.

To debug such an access violation, it is often useful to set the NSZombieEnabled Environment flag to YES. This will cause the Obj-C runtime to log access to released memory to the console. You can find a full tutorial on how to use that information together with Instruments to find your problem.

于 2009-11-13T06:20:38.437 回答

You can do it EASILY with Instruments: See this really great post:


于 2009-11-13T06:39:59.460 回答

EXC_BAD_ACCESS. is mainly found when u released any object which you have further needed in future.it is unable to find but there is solution to find out u must have to be in a DEBUG mode . then follow these links


it really works

于 2010-12-01T12:31:28.907 回答

I'm working on the same thing, and I get the same issue. If you enter in debug mode, you can see that when we use open = dlsym(libHandle, "Apple80211Open"); the function still equals to 0.

So in my opinion you are looking for the Apple80211Open in a framework which did not contain this function.

Apple80211Open is in the Apple80211 private framework which is outdated in >iOS 2.x SDK. The equivalent in the MobileWifi framework, which is for the 3.x and 4.x SDK, is /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/WiFiManager.bundle/WiFiManager instead of /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileWiFi.framework/MobileWiFi

于 2011-02-01T14:38:08.243 回答