我正在构建一个使用 WordPress 和 Zurb Foundation 的自定义画廊:

  • 该模板显示自定义帖子的分页存档;自定义查询使用链接缩略图网格填充页面。
  • 使用 Foundation 4 中的 Reveal modal 插件以及 WordPress 的 AJAX 将内容附加到reveal-modal div。
  • 单击模态窗口中的.previous-sketch,.next-sketch链接将显示相应的相邻帖子。




我的 jQuery 代码如下。

(function($) {

 $.fn.displayPost = function() {
    var post_id = $(this).data("id");
    var id = "#" + post_id;

    // Check if the reveal modal for the specific post id doesn't already exist by checking for it's length
    if($(id).length == 0 ) {
        // We'll add an ID to the new reveal modal; we'll use that same ID to check if it exists in the future.
        var modal = $('<div>').attr('id', post_id ).addClass('reveal-modal').appendTo('body');
        var ajaxURL = MyAjax.ajaxurl;
            type: 'POST',
            url: ajaxURL,
            data: {"action": "load-content", post_id: post_id },
            success: function(response) {
                modal.empty().html(response).append('<a class="close-reveal-modal">&#215;</a>').foundation('reveal', 'open');

                modal.bind('opened', function() {
                    // Trigger window resize to reset the left margin.  
                    var left;
                    left = Math.max($(window).width() - $(id).outerWidth(), 0) / 2;
                        left:left + $(window).scrollLeft()

                return false;
     //If the div with the ID already exists we'll just open it.
     else {
         $(id).foundation('reveal', 'open');

     // Recalculate left margin on window resize
        var left;
        left = Math.max($(window).width() - $(id).outerWidth(), 0) / 2;
            left:left + $(window).scrollLeft()


// Apply the function when we click on the .reveal link
jQuery(document).on("click", ".reveal,.secondary", function() {

// Use Reveal's built in function to close the div when we click our paging links
jQuery(document).on("click", ".secondary", function() {
    var id = jQuery(this).closest("div").attr("id");
    jQuery(id).foundation('reveal', 'close');


1 回答 1



该功能以几种方式扩展了 Foundation 4 Reveal 的功能:

  • 使用 WordPress AJAX 动态拉入内容以填充模态 div。
  • 将模态 div 居中并允许其宽度可变。
  • 从模态窗口添加分页导航,触发时将关闭打开的模态窗口,然后打开上一个/下一个模态内容。


(function($) {

    $.fn.displayPost = function() {


    var post_id = $(this).data("id");
    var id = "#" + post_id;

    // Check if the reveal modal for the specific post id doesn't already exist by checking for it's length
    if($(id).length == 0 ) {
        // We'll add an ID to the new reveal modal; we'll use that same ID to check if it exists in the future.
        var modal = $('<div>').attr('id', post_id ).addClass('reveal-modal').appendTo('body');
        var ajaxURL = MyAjax.ajaxurl;
            type: 'POST',
            url: ajaxURL,
            data: {"action": "load-content", post_id: post_id },
            success: function(response) {
                modal.empty().html(response).append('<a class="close-reveal-modal">&#215;</a>').foundation('reveal', 'open');
                modal.bind('opened', function() {
                    // Reset visibility to hidden and set display: none on closed reveal-modal divs, for some reason not working by default when reveal close is triggered on .secondary links  
                    $(".reveal-modal:not('.reveal-modal.open')").css({'visibility': 'hidden', 'display' : 'none'})
                    // Trigger resize 
                return false;
     //If the div with the ID already exists just open it.
     else {
         $(id).foundation('reveal', 'open');

     // Recalculate left margin on window resize to allow for absolute centering of variable width elements
         var left;
            left = Math.max($(window).width() - $(id).outerWidth(), 0) / 2;
                left:left + $(window).scrollLeft()


     // Apply the function when we click on the .reveal link
     // (document).ready won't work on any reveal-modal divs added subsequently
     // after page load via AJAX so use .on instead.
     jQuery(document).on("click", ".reveal,.secondary", function() {


      // Close open modal via secondary paging links; target parent div id.
      jQuery(document).on("click", ".secondary", function() {
        var id = jQuery(this).closest("div").attr("id");
      jQuery(id).foundation('reveal', 'close');

更新:添加了用于加载 AJAX 内容的 php 函数

  public function __construct() {
        add_action( 'wp_ajax_load-content', array($this, 'load_ajax_content' ));
        add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_load-content', array($this, 'load_ajax_content' ));

         * Function to call the content loaded for logged-in and anonymous users
        public function load_ajax_content ( $post_id ) {

            $post_id = $_POST[ 'post_id' ];

            if (has_post_thumbnail($post_id)) {
                $sketch_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($post_id);  
                $attachment = get_post( $sketch_id );
                $caption = $attachment->post_excerpt;
                $response = '<figure>'. get_the_post_thumbnail($post_id, 'large-sketch') .'<figcaption><p>'. $caption .'</p></figcaption></figure>' . $this->paging_link_nav( $post_id );
                echo $response;



于 2013-06-27T07:25:16.463 回答