我正在开发一个个人 HTML 5/CSS3 项目,该项目采用旧的 1970 年代超级英雄阅读书籍并记录并在兼容的浏览器(Safari/Chrome/FireFox)中播放它们。漫画面板会自动与音轨保持同步,同时允许观众按一个按钮来跳过或返回。

为此,我使用 FancyBox2 来处理图像,使用 Buzz Javascript 音频库来处理 HTML 5 音频功能,并使用一些自定义 jQuery 和 Javascript 来处理逻辑。

Buzz JavaScript 库允许我在播放音频时监控它,并为 FancyBox 库中的每个图像分配一个标签。当音频播放时,每次到达与适当时间相对应的标签时,图像库都会向前移动。

播放音频并让漫画自动跟上它的节奏可以正常工作。使用图库中的 FancyBox 下一步按钮跳过也很有效。我遇到的问题是,当我点击上一个按钮在音频和图库中跳回时,当前数据戳不会向后移动,Fancybox 不会在图库中向前移动,直到它赶上跨度数据戳尚未触发的时间码。

我的注释代码如下,您可以在http://powerrecords.pixelwhip.com/story_manWolf_finalCode.html上查看此代码。我已启用控制台消息,以便您可以在 firebug 或开发人员窗口中跟踪变量和时间戳,或者您有什么。我已经坚持了几个星期,所以任何帮助将不胜感激。

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>The Power Records Project</title>

<!-- Import the latest jQuery library from Google-->
<script type="text/javascript"

<!-- Import the Buzz Javascript Audio library -->
<script type="text/javascript"
 src="scripts/buzz.js" language="javascript"></script>

<!-- Import the FancyBox Gallery library -->
<script type="text/javascript"

<!-- Import the jQuery Data Selector Extension-->
<script src="scripts/jquery.dataSelector.js"></script>

<!-- Initialize FancyBox2 -->
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

// Check to make sure that the browser supports HTML5, and therefore, 
// the Buzz javascript library (imported above)
if (!buzz.isSupported()) {
    alert("The Power Records Project relies on Javascript, 
           HTML5 and CSS3 to work. Please update your browser 
           and come back!");

// Create the new Sound object - Spider-Man: Mark of the Man-Wolf
var smManWolf = new buzz.sound("audio/sm_MarkManWolf", {
    formats: [ "ogg", "mp3" ],
    preload: true,
    autoload: true,
    loop: false

// Create an array that holds the time marks, in seconds, that queues
// new panel rows in the gallery
var audioMarks = new Array();
audioMarks[0] = 0;
audioMarks[1] = 30;
audioMarks[2] = 49;
audioMarks[3] = 66;
audioMarks[4] = 88;
audioMarks[5] = 103;

// Declare a variable that gets the length of the audioMarks array 
// (just in case I need it)
var lengthOfArray = audioMarks.length;

// Declare a variable called currentMark and set to 0 -- the beginning 
// of the audio program. This var will be used to update the timecode 
// each time the user skips forward and backward
var currentMark = audioMarks[0] ;
var i = 0;
var nextAudioButtonHit = false;
var prevAudioButtonHit = false;

// Function that tells Fancybox to go to the next panel set in the gallery
var nextPanel = function () {

// Function that tells Fancybox to go to the previous panel set in the gallery
var prevPanel = function () {

// When the FancyBox forward gallery button is pressed, tell the audio 
// to go to the next audioMark in the array
var nextAudio = function() {
    nextAudioButtonHit = true;
    currentMark = audioMarks[i];

    console.log("NEXT NAV BUTTON HIT! i is now equal to " + i);
    console.log("The nextAudioButtonHit value is "+ nextAudioButtonHit);
    console.log("The next audio button currentMark is "+ currentMark);

// When the FancyBox backward gallery button is pressed, tell the audio
// to go to the previous audioMark in the array
var previousAudio = function() {
    prevAudioButtonHit = true;
    currentMark = audioMarks[i];

    console.log("PREV NAV BUTTON HIT! i is now equal to " + i);
    console.log("The prevAudioButtonHit value is "+ prevAudioButtonHit);
    console.log("The previous audio button currentMark is "+ currentMark);

// Autoplay function - the images in the gallery will keep up with the audio 
// automatically once the user starts the story.
var autoPlay = function() {
    // Begin playing the audio file
    // The Buzz Audio Library repeating timer function that monitors 
    // the audio file, tracks the time and handles the artwork upkeep
    smManWolf.bind('timeupdate', function(e) {
        var theTime = buzz.toTimer(this.getTime());
        $('span:data("stamp='+theTime+'")').each(function() {

        // only do the animation once
        if (theTime=="00:00") {

            console.log("The timer just hit "+ theTime);
            console.log("The currentMark is "+ currentMark);
            console.log("i is equal to " + i); 

    // If the <span data-stamp> time has
        else if ( !$(this).data('triggered') && nextAudioButtonHit == false ) {
            $(this).data('triggered', true);
            currentMark = audioMarks[i];

            console.log("The nextAudioButtonHit value is "
                        + nextAudioButtonHit);
            console.log("The timer just hit "+ theTime);
            console.log("The currentMark is "+ currentMark);
            console.log("i is equal to " + i); 
        else if ( !$(this).data('triggered') && nextAudioButtonHit == true ) {
            $(this).data('triggered', true);
            currentMark = audioMarks[i];
            nextAudioButtonHit = false;

            console.log("The nextAudioButtonHit value is "
                        + nextAudioButtonHit);
            console.log("The timer just hit "+ theTime);
            console.log("The currentMark is "+ currentMark);
            console.log("i is equal to " + i); 

// HERE IS THE PROBLEM: Whenever the Previous Gallery button is hit, 
// the current data stamp does not move backward with the vars i and 
// currentMark. Fancybox will not move forward in the gallery until it 
// catches up to a span data-stamp timecode that has not been triggered.

            if ( $(this).data('triggered') && nextAudioButtonHit == false ) {
                $(this).data('triggered', false);
            else if (prevAudioButtonHit == true) {
                currentMark = audioMarks[i];
                prevAudioButtonHit = false;

                console.log("THE PREVIOUS BUTTON TIMER FUNCTION IS FIRING");
                console.log("The prevAudioButtonHit value is "
                             + prevAudioButtonHit);
                console.log("The timer just hit "+ theTime);
                console.log("The currentMark is "+ currentMark);
                console.log("i is equal to " + i); 

$(document).ready(function() {
        autoPlay        : false,
        closeBtn        : false,
        helpers         : {
            title       : { type : 'inside' },
            buttons     : {}


<script type="text/javascript"

<!-- Link to the style sheets -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery.fancybox.css?v=2.0.5" 
 type="text/css" media="screen" />

<link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery.fancybox-buttons.css?v=2.0.5"
 type="text/css" media="screen" />

<link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet"
 type="text/css" charset="utf-8">


<div id="container">
href="#inline1" title="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet">click here to Open the 

<div id="inline1" style="width:700px;display: none;">

<a class="controlButtons" href="images/smManWolf/0.jpg" 
   data-fancybox-group="gallery" title="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" 
   onclick = "autoPlay();"><span data-stamp="00:00">BEGIN THE STORY</span></a>

<a class="controlButtons" href="images/smManWolf/1.jpg"
   data-fancybox-group="gallery" title="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet">
   <span data-stamp="00:30">&nbsp;</span></a>

<a class="controlButtons" href="images/smManWolf/2.jpg"
   data-fancybox-group="gallery" title="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet">
   <span data-stamp="00:49">&nbsp;</span></a>

<a class="controlButtons" href="images/smManWolf/3.jpg"
   data-fancybox-group="gallery" title="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet">
   <span data-stamp="01:06">&nbsp;</span></a>

<a class="controlButtons" href="images/smManWolf/4.jpg"
   data-fancybox-group="gallery" title="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet">
   <span data-stamp="01:28">&nbsp;</span></a>

<a class="controlButtons" href="images/smManWolf/5.jpg"
   data-fancybox-group="gallery" title="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet">
   <span data-stamp="01:43">&nbsp;</span></a>

<a class="controlButtons" href="images/smManWolf/6.jpg"
   data-fancybox-group="gallery" title="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet">
   <span data-stamp="02:02">&nbsp;</span></a>

<!--END inline div --></div>
<!--END container div --></div>


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