我正在使用 OpenCV 和 Python 构建一个自动电表/燃气表读取器。我已经用网络摄像头拍摄了:
def unwarp_image(img):
rows,cols = img.shape[:2]
# Source points
left_top = 12
left_bottom = left_top+2
top_left = 24
top_right = 13
bottom = 47
right = 180
srcTri = np.array([(left_top,top_left),(right,top_right),(left_bottom,bottom)], np.float32)
# Corresponding Destination Points. Remember, both sets are of float32 type
dstTri = np.array([(0,0),(cols-1,0),(0,dst_height)],np.float32)
# Affine Transformation
warp_mat = cv2.getAffineTransform(srcTri,dstTri) # Generating affine transform matrix of size 2x3
dst = cv2.warpAffine(img,warp_mat,(cols,dst_height)) # Now transform the image, notice dst_size=(cols,rows), not (rows,cols)
#cv2.imshow("crop_img", dst)
return dst
我仍然需要使用某种 OCR 例程来提取文本,但首先我想自动化识别要应用仿射变换的像素位置的部分。因此,如果有人敲击网络摄像头,它不会停止软件的工作。