I have a string^ that's being converted to a Uint32 In the code below:
int newX = System::Convert::ToUInt32(this->cbXSizeBox->Text);
catch (FormatException^ e)
printf("\nNot a valid 3-digit number");
this->cbXSizeBox->Text = System::Convert::ToString(capBoxSize->x);
This works fine.(FYI capBoxSize->x is another value that can evaluate to uint32).
Basically the catch is to snap the value of cbXSizeBox->Text (which is a string), back to it's default value, should the user enter anything but numbers (e.g. 2g9).
In the event that the catch block doesn't catch a format exception, I would like to add code to change the value of capBoxSize->x to it's new valid value. I'm trying to find something that says to the compiler, "if you catch this exception, do this. But If you don't catch the exception, do this." Is it possible to wrap a catch block in an if else statement?
If you understand what I'm trying to do, any suggestions would be appreciated.
P.S. Putting the code to change capBoxSize->x in the try block isn't really an option I think. As this could attempt assigning newX as something like "2ty" to capBoxSize->X, which is a Uint32. Which may cause errors.