
这是我已经搞砸了一天的功能。出于某种原因,它一遍又一遍地在 csv 中写入最后一个值,而不是通过行进行解析。我输入了一些打印语句,看起来行内容正确写入数组,但被最后一个值覆盖。任何帮助都会很棒,谢谢。

public int csvCombine(ArrayList <Indexstruct> todaysCSV, int totalconvo, String date) throws IOException{   
String rows = null;
Indexstruct templist=new Indexstruct();
String [] rowArray= new String [2];

FileReader fr = new FileReader(date + ".csv");
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);

rows= br.readLine();
totalconvo+=Integer.parseInt(rowArray[0]);      //Reads in total amount of words spoken and adds it to the CSV value of words spoken
final int csvSize=Integer.parseInt(rowArray[1]);            //Read in size of csvList 

for(int count=0; count<csvSize-1; count++){
    rows = br.readLine();
    rowArray = rows.split(",");                         // Reads lines into an array, takes array values and places them into an object of type indexStruct to write into ArrayList
    templist.numOfUses=Integer.parseInt(rowArray[1]);   //sets object num of uses
    templist.Word=rowArray[0];                          //sets object word
    todaysCSV.add(count, templist);                     //adds object to csv ArrayList
return totalconvo;

1 回答 1


您当前所做的只是一遍又一遍地添加相同的 templist 对象,因此所有数据都相同是有道理的。您需要在 for 循环的每次迭代中创建一个新的 templist 对象(无论它是什么类型)。


for(int count=0; count < csvSize-1; count++) {
    rows = br.readLine();
    rowArray = rows.split(",");                         
    int useCount = Integer.parseInt(rowArray[1]);   
    String word = rowArray[0];                      

    // assuming a type called TempList with a constructor that looks like this
    todaysCSV.add(count, new TempList(useCount, word));    
于 2013-06-22T02:47:20.487 回答