我制作了一个可以在 C# 中执行 DCT 的程序。
public void TransformToDCT(int xpos, int ypos)
double[,] cof = new double[8, 8];
int[,] rows = new int[8, 8];
int c1=1004 /* cos(pi/16) << 10 */,
s1=200 /* sin(pi/16) */,
c3=851 /* cos(3pi/16) << 10 */,
s3=569 /* sin(3pi/16) << 10 */,
r2c6=554 /* sqrt(2)*cos(6pi/16) << 10 */,
r2s6=1337 /* sqrt(2)*sin(6pi/16) << 10 */,
r2=181; /* sqrt(2) << 7*/
int x0,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8;
/* transform rows */
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
x0 = src.GetRoundPixel(xpos + 0, ypos + i);
x1 = src.GetRoundPixel(xpos + 1, ypos + i);
x2 = src.GetRoundPixel(xpos + 2, ypos + i);
x3 = src.GetRoundPixel(xpos + 3, ypos + i);
x4 = src.GetRoundPixel(xpos + 4, ypos + i);
x5 = src.GetRoundPixel(xpos + 5, ypos + i);
x6 = src.GetRoundPixel(xpos + 6, ypos + i);
x7 = src.GetRoundPixel(xpos + 7, ypos + i);
/* Stage 1 */
x8 = x7 + x0;
x0 -= x7;
x7 = x1 + x6;
x1 -= x6;
x6 = x2 + x5;
x2 -= x5;
x5 = x3 + x4;
x3 -= x4;
/* Stage 2 */
x4 = x8 + x5;
x8 -= x5;
x5 = x7 + x6;
x7 -= x6;
x6 = c1 * (x1 + x2);
x2 = (-s1 - c1) * x2 + x6;
x1 = (s1 - c1) * x1 + x6;
x6 = c3 * (x0 + x3);
x3 = (-s3 - c3) * x3 + x6;
x0 = (s3 - c3) * x0 + x6;
/* Stage 3 */
x6 = x4 + x5;
x4 -= x5;
x5 = r2c6 * (x7 + x8);
x7 = (-r2s6 - r2c6) * x7 + x5;
x8 = (r2s6 - r2c6) * x8 + x5;
x5 = x0 + x2;
x0 -= x2;
x2 = x3 + x1;
x3 -= x1;
/* Stage 4 and output */
rows[i,0] = x6;
rows[i,4] = x4;
rows[i,2] = x8 >> 10;
rows[i,6] = x7 >> 10;
rows[i,7] = (x2 - x5) >> 10;
rows[i,1] = (x2 + x5) >> 10;
rows[i,3] = (x3 * r2) >> 17;
rows[i,5] = (x0 * r2) >> 17;
/* transform columns */
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
x0 = rows[0,i];
x1 = rows[1,i];
x2 = rows[2,i];
x3 = rows[3,i];
x4 = rows[4,i];
x5 = rows[5,i];
x6 = rows[6,i];
x7 = rows[7,i];
/* Stage 1 */
x8 = x7 + x0;
x0 -= x7;
x7 = x1 + x6;
x1 -= x6;
x6 = x2 + x5;
x2 -= x5;
x5 = x3 + x4;
x3 -= x4;
/* Stage 2 */
x4 = x8 + x5;
x8 -= x5;
x5 = x7 + x6;
x7 -= x6;
x6 = c1 * (x1 + x2);
x2 = (-s1 - c1) * x2 + x6;
x1 = (s1 - c1) * x1 + x6;
x6 = c3 * (x0 + x3);
x3 = (-s3 - c3) * x3 + x6;
x0 = (s3 - c3) * x0 + x6;
/* Stage 3 */
x6 = x4 + x5;
x4 -= x5;
x5 = r2c6 * (x7 + x8);
x7 = (-r2s6 - r2c6) * x7 + x5;
x8 = (r2s6 - r2c6) * x8 + x5;
x5 = x0 + x2;
x0 -= x2;
x2 = x3 + x1;
x3 -= x1;
/* Stage 4 and output */
cof[0, i] = (double)((x6 + 16) >> 3);
cof[4, i] = (double)((x4 + 16) >> 3);
cof[2, i] = (double)((x8 + 16384) >> 13);
cof[6, i] = (double)((x7 + 16384) >> 13);
cof[7, i] = (double)((x2 - x5 + 16384) >> 13);
cof[1, i] = (double)((x2 + x5 + 16384) >> 13);
cof[3, i] = (double)(((x3 >> 8) * r2 + 8192) >> 12);
cof[5, i] = (double)(((x0 >> 8) * r2 + 8192) >> 12);
SetCoeff(cof, xpos, ypos);
meanDC[blok] = cof[0, 0];
if (cof[0, 0] > maxDC) maxDC = cof[0, 0];
varian[blok] = Varian(cof);
这部分是为了得到c[0,0] DCT:
public double GetMeanDC(int Blok)
return meanDC[Blok];
而这部分是为了得到平均Image DC DCT系数:
public double GetMeanImage()
double r = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < totalBlok; i++)
r = r + meanDC[i];
r = r / (double)totalBlok;
return r;
问题出在主程序中。我想计算这个等式中的指数:x = exp(- ((miuN - miu)^2)),但我的程序总是返回 0。
miu = oriDCT.GetMeanImage();
miuN = oriDCT.GetMeanDC(blok) / oriDCT.GetMaxDC();
double deltamiu = (miuN - miu) * (miuN - miu);
double expon = (double)Math.Exp(-(deltamiu));