public abstract class BasePlugin {
private int x; //Mysterious x
public abstract void update(); //update func that may need x, but can't change it
protected final int getX() {return x;} //x accessor
除非您意识到无法设置 x,否则这将起作用。
我能做些什么?我想让子类(插件)无法更改 x,但让它读取值。创建时值应该至少可以访问一次(这就足够了)。
public abstract class BasePlugin {
private List<int> x; //Mysterious x
public abstract void update(); //update func that may need x, but can't change it
protected final List<int> getX() {return x;} //x accessor
public BasePlugin(List<int> y) {x = y;}
public class Plugin {
public Plugin(List<int> y)
y.remove(0); //Will it work?