我想对包含 0、1 或 2 的链表进行排序。现在,这显然是荷兰国旗问题的变体。 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_national_flag_problem


“让顶部组从数组顶部向下生长,底部组从底部向上生长,并保持中间组刚好在底部上方。算法存储位置就在顶部组下方,就在底部上方,并且在三个索引的中间上方。在每一步中,检查中间上方的元素。如果它属于顶部组,则将其与顶部下方的元素交换。如果它属于底部,则将其与元素交换就在底部上方。如果它在中间,则离开它。更新适当的索引。复杂度是 Θ(n) 移动和检查。

并且为此给出的 C++ 实现是:

void threeWayPartition(int data[], int size, int low, int high) {
  int p = -1;
  int q = size;
  for (int i = 0; i < q;) {
    if (data[i] == low) {
      swap(data[i], data[++p]);
    } else if (data[i] >= high) {
      swap(data[i], data[--q]);
    } else {




5 回答 5





  • 创建包含所有 0、1 或 2 值的列表。
  • 从链表中删除所有单元格并将它们分配到等于 0、1 或 2 的元素列表中。
  • 将这三个列表连接在一起。

这不进行内存分配,纯粹通过重新排列链表单元来工作。它仍然在时间 Θ(n) 中运行,这是另一个优点。此外,您可以做到这一点,而不必向后走(即,这适用于单链表)。

我将把完整的实现留给你,但作为一个例子,这里有一个简单的 C++ 代码,用于将链表单元分配到零、一和二列表中:

struct Cell {
    int value;
    Cell* next;

/* Pointers to the heads of the three lists. */
Cell* lists[3] = { NULL, NULL, NULL };

/* Distribute the cells across the lists. */
while (list != NULL) {
    /* Cache a pointer to the next cell in the list, since we will be
     * rewiring this linked list.
    Cell* next = list->next;

    /* Prepend this cell to the list it belongs to. */
    list->next = lists[list->value];
    lists[list->value] = list;

    /* Advance to the next cell in the list. */
    list = next;


于 2013-06-20T01:33:41.470 回答


队列(堆上的副推)的优点是排序是稳定的。也就是说,如果列表节点中有数据(除了 0、1、2 值的键),每个键的这些数据将保持相同的顺序。



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct node_s { 
  struct node_s *next; 
  int val;
  int data; 

// Add node to tail of queue q and return the new queue.
NODE *enqueue(NODE *q, NODE *node)
  if (q) {
    node->next = q->next;
    q->next = node;
  else node->next = node;
  return node;

// Concatenate qa and qb and return the result.
NODE *cat(NODE *qa, NODE *qb)
   NODE *head = qa->next;
   qa->next = qb->next;
   qb->next = head;
   return qb;

// Sort a list where all values are 0, 1, or 2.
NODE *sort012(NODE *list)
  NODE *next = NULL, *q[3] = { NULL, NULL, NULL};

  for (NODE *p = list; p; p = next) {
    next = p->next;
    q[p->val] = enqueue(q[p->val], p);
  NODE *result = cat(q[0], cat(q[1], q[2]));

  // Now transform the circular queue to a simple linked list.
  NODE *head = result->next;
  result->next = NULL;
  return head;

int main(void)
  NODE *list = NULL;
  int N = 100;

  //  Build a list of nodes for testing
  for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
    NODE *p = malloc(sizeof(NODE));
    p->val = rand() % 3;
    p->data = N - i;  // List ends up with data 1,2,3,..,N
    p->next = list;
    list = p; 
  list = sort012(list);
  for (NODE *p = list; p; p = p->next)
    printf("key val=%d, data=%d\n", p->val, p->data);
  return 0;



于 2013-06-20T02:50:59.237 回答


假设您有一个 Node 对象,有点像:

public class Node
    public Node Next;
    public Object Value;

然后你真正需要做的就是改变你的 Node 类,然后你将 Insert 方法向上一点以跟踪之前出现的 Node:

public class Node
    public Node Next;
    public Node Previous;
    public Object Value;

public void Insert(Node currentNode, Node insertedNode)
    Node siblingNode = currentNode.Next;

    insertedNode.Previous = currentNode;
    insertedNode.Next = siblingNode;

    if(siblingNode!= null)
        siblingNode.previous = insertedNode;

    currentNode.next = insertedNode;

PS 抱歉,我没有注意到包含 C++ 内容的编辑,所以它更像 C#

于 2013-06-20T01:35:05.027 回答


METHOD(To throw some light on handling corner cases):
1. Keep three dummy nodes each for 0,1,2;
2. Iterate throught the list and add nodes to respective list.
3. Make the next of zero,one,two pointers as NULL.
4. Backup this last nodes of each list.
5. Now handle 8 different possible cases to join these list and Determine the HEAD.

zero one two
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 1 0
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 0 1
1 1 0
1 1 1

这个在 C++ 中的实现。

Node* sortList(Node *head)
   struct Node dummyzero,dummyone,dummytwo;
   dummyzero.next = dummyone.next = dummytwo.next = NULL;

   struct Node *zero =&dummyzero,*one = &dummyone,*two=&dummytwo;
   Node *curr = head,*next=NULL;
       next = curr->next;
           zero->next = curr;
           zero = zero->next;
       else if(curr->data==1)
           one->next = curr;
           one = one->next;
           two->next = curr;
           two = two->next;
       curr = next;
   zero->next = one->next = two->next =NULL;                        //Since this dummynode, No segmentation fault here.
   Node *zerolast = zero,*onelast = one,*twolast = two;
   zero = dummyzero.next;
   one = dummyone.next;
   two = dummytwo.next;

            head = two;
            head = one;
            onelast->next = two;
       head = zero;
           zerolast->next = two;
           zerolast->next = one;
           onelast->next = two;
   return head;
于 2017-07-16T11:51:35.963 回答

按照荷兰国旗方法对 0 和 1 进行排序,
但是对于 2 而不是将它们添加到列表末尾,将它们保存在单独的链表中。
最后将 2 的列表附加到 0 和 1 的排序列表中。

Node * sort012_linked_list(Node * head) {

  if (!head || !head->next)
    return head;

  Node * head_of_2s = NULL;

  Node * prev = NULL;
  Node * curr = head;

  while (curr) {
    if (curr->data == 0) {
      if (prev == NULL || prev->data == 0) {
        prev = curr;
        curr = curr->next;
      else {
        prev->next = curr->next;
        curr->next = head;
        head = curr;
        curr = prev->next;
    else if (curr->data == 1) {
      prev = curr;
      curr = curr->next;
    else { // curr->data == 2
      if (prev == NULL) {
        head = curr->next;
        curr->next = head_of_2s;
        head_of_2s = curr;
        curr = head;
      else {
        prev->next = curr->next;
        curr->next = head_of_2s;
        head_of_2s = curr;
        curr = prev->next;

  if (prev)
    prev->next = head_of_2s;

  return head;
于 2015-06-29T19:22:06.753 回答