我正在使用一些 JS 代码,因为我不是前端开发人员,我在弄清楚如何在 JS 上触发通常在单击链接时触发的事件时遇到了一些问题。
<a href="#modal-text" class="call-modal" title="Clicking this link shows the modal">Demo</a>
拦截点击该链接的 JS 函数是:
(function (global) {
'use strict';
// Storage variable
var modal = {};
// Store for currently active element
modal.lastActive = undefined;
modal.activeElement = undefined;
// Polyfill addEventListener for IE8 (only very basic)
modal._addEventListener = function (element, event, callback) {
if (element.addEventListener) {
element.addEventListener(event, callback, false);
} else {
element.attachEvent('on' + event, callback);
// Hide overlay when ESC is pressed
modal._addEventListener(document, 'keyup', function (event) {
var hash = window.location.hash.replace('#', '');
// If hash is not set
if (hash === '' || hash === '!') {
// If key ESC is pressed
if (event.keyCode === 27) {
window.location.hash = '!';
if (modal.lastActive) {
return false;
// Unfocus
}, false);
// Convenience function to trigger event
modal._dispatchEvent = function (event, modal) {
var eventTigger;
if (!document.createEvent) {
eventTigger = document.createEvent('Event');
eventTigger.initEvent(event, true, true);
eventTigger.customData = { 'modal': modal };
// When showing overlay, prevent background from scrolling
modal.mainHandler = function () {
var hash = window.location.hash.replace('#', '');
var modalElement = document.getElementById(hash);
var htmlClasses = document.documentElement.className;
var modalChild;
// If the hash element exists
if (modalElement) {
// Get first element in selected element
modalChild = modalElement.children[0];
// When we deal with a modal and body-class `has-overlay` is not set
if (modalChild && modalChild.className.match(/modal-inner/) &&
!htmlClasses.match(/has-overlay/)) {
// Set an html class to prevent scrolling
//document.documentElement.className += ' has-overlay';
// Mark modal as active
modalElement.className += ' is-active';
modal.activeElement = modalElement;
// Set the focus to the modal
// Fire an event
modal._dispatchEvent('cssmodal:show', modal.activeElement);
} else {
document.documentElement.className =
htmlClasses.replace(' has-overlay', '');
// If activeElement is already defined, delete it
if (modal.activeElement) {
modal.activeElement.className =
modal.activeElement.className.replace(' is-active', '');
// Fire an event
modal._dispatchEvent('cssmodal:hide', modal.activeElement);
// Reset active element
modal.activeElement = null;
// Unfocus
modal._addEventListener(window, 'hashchange', modal.mainHandler);
modal._addEventListener(window, 'load', modal.mainHandler);
* Accessibility
// Focus modal
modal.setFocus = function () {
if (modal.activeElement) {
// Set element with last focus
modal.lastActive = document.activeElement;
// New focussing
// Unfocus
modal.removeFocus = function () {
if (modal.lastActive) {
// Export CSSModal into global space
global.CSSModal = modal;