Is it possible in spring batch to have one reader read the data and that data being split to multiple writers for processing running parallel?

Steps: Reader : JdbcCursorItemReader reads 100 records 10 Parallel Writers: Each ItemWriter gets 10 records to process.

I've looked at:

CompositeItemWriter: seems to passes all the read items to all the writers when I need to split the items evenly to the writers.

BackToBackPatternClassifier: I don't really need a classifier because I'm splitting items evenly.

Is there another way of just having one reader and multiple writers ?

Or I can just manually create threads in my Writer ?


3 回答 3




需要明确的是,当我们谈论“多个写入者”时,我们的意思是读者读取了一个块,并且需要为该块做不同类型的“写入”。例如,您可能有一个 PlayerRecordReader 从某个地方读取 Player,并且您有 PlayerDbWriter 和 PlayerFileWriter 写入 DB 和 File。多个写入器不是为了分配负载。

对于您希望并行完成写入的情况,您需要的是单个编写器(当然您需要使其成为线程安全的)并在您的步骤定义中使用执行器。Spring Batch 中的此页面为您提供了有关如何执行此操作的明确说明。 http://static.springsource.org/spring-batch/reference/html/scalability.html#multithreadedStep

于 2013-06-19T01:40:08.130 回答

我将 Writer 逻辑移动到名为 MyWriterRunnable 的 Runnable 类(Thread 类)中,在 MyWriter 类中,我手动将项目列表拆分为 10 个批次,并为每个批次调用 MyWriterRunnable。

于 2013-06-19T03:08:13.403 回答


于 2015-03-19T06:18:27.023 回答