I have to make an app which runs on 7" tablets with a resolution of 800x480 and also 1024x600. The most importan tablet of both is the one with 1024x600 so I placed my layout files in a layoutfolder with the name "layout-sw600dp" and it looks good.

The problem now, is that the tablet with 800x480 resolution is also taking the "layout-sw600dp" folder and my layout isn't looking good. So I have to make some changes, but without destroying the layout for the bigger tablet.

Any idea what I can do?

thanks in advance Frank


1 回答 1


好的,找到了解决方案。问题是,两个平板电脑都在同一个 android 布局组中。所以我不得不以这种方式修改我的布局以适应两者。我不得不对图像使用更多的 dp 设置和 scaletype="fitxy",而不是使用“wrap_content”。

于 2013-06-19T09:55:30.943 回答