我在 R 中有一个数据框列表,每个数据框都是从包含排名的不同文件加载的。例如,这些文件可能包含不同运动员在不同比赛中的完赛位置。


我想填充一个排名矩阵,其中运动员作为行,种族作为列。如果没有运动员在特定比赛中的排名,则应为 0。


   name rank
1 Alice    1
2   Bob    2
3 Carla    3
4 Diego    4

   name rank
1 Alice    2
2 Carla    1
3  Eric    3
4 Frank    4
5  Gary    5

   name rank
1   Bob    5
2 Carla    4
3 Diego    3
4  Eric    1
5  Gary    2


      1 2 3
Alice 1 2 0
Bob   2 0 5
Carla 3 1 4
Diego 4 0 3
Eric  0 3 1
Frank 0 4 0
Gary  0 5 2

我正在寻找一种有效的方法来做到这一点:我的数据更像是 200 个数据帧和每个数据帧 10000 个排名元素(总共 15000 个唯一元素),所以最终矩阵大约为 15000x200


4 回答 4



dcast(do.call(rbind, lapply(seq_along(ll), function(ix) 
         transform(ll[[ix]], id = ix))), name ~ id, value.var="rank", fill=0)

   name 1 2 3
1 Alice 1 2 0
2   Bob 2 0 5
3 Carla 3 1 4
4 Diego 4 0 3
5  Eric 0 3 1
6 Frank 0 4 0
7  Gary 0 5 2

ll您的 s 列表在哪里data.frame


dcast(transform(do.call(rbind, ll), id = rep(seq_along(ll), sapply(ll, nrow))), 
    name ~ id, value.var = "rank", fill = 0)


pp <- rbindlist(ll)[, id := rep(seq_along(ll), sapply(ll, nrow))]
setkey(pp, "name", "id")
pp[CJ(unique(name), 1:3)][is.na(rank), rank := 0L][, as.list(rank), by = name]

    name V1 V2 V3
1: Alice  1  2  0
2:   Bob  2  0  5
3: Carla  3  1  4
4: Diego  4  0  3
5:  Eric  0  3  1
6: Frank  0  4  0
7:  Gary  0  5  2


names <- tapply(sample(letters, 1e4, replace=TRUE), rep(1:(1e4/5), each=5), paste, collapse="")
names <- unique(names)

dd_create <- function() {
    nrow <- sample(c(100:500), 1)
    ncol <- 3
    data.frame(name = sample(names, nrow, replace=FALSE), rank = sample(nrow))

ll <- replicate(1e3, dd_create(), simplify = FALSE)

Arun1_reshape2 <- function(ll) {
    # same as @agstudy's 
    dcast(do.call(rbind, lapply(seq_along(ll), function(ix) 
             transform(ll[[ix]], id = ix))), name ~ id, value.var="rank", fill=0)

Arun2_reshape2 <- function(ll) {
    dcast(transform(do.call(rbind, ll), id = rep(seq_along(ll), sapply(ll, nrow))), 
        name ~ id, value.var = "rank", fill = 0)

eddi_reshape2 <- function(ll) {
    dcast(melt(ll, id.vars = 'name'), name ~ L1, fill = 0)

Arun_data.table <- function(ll) {
    pp <- rbindlist(ll)[, id := rep(seq_along(ll), sapply(ll, nrow))]
    setkey(pp, "name", "id")
    pp[CJ(unique(name), 1:1000)][is.na(rank), rank := 0L][, as.list(rank), by = name]

merge.all <- function(x, y) {
    merge(x, y, all=TRUE, by="name")

Hong_Ooi <- function(ll) {
    for(i in seq_along(ll))
        names(ll[[i]])[2] <- paste0("rank", i)
    out <- Reduce(merge.all, ll)    

microbenchmark( arun1 <- Arun1_reshape2(ll), 
                arun2 <- Arun2_reshape2(ll), 
                eddi <- eddi_reshape2(ll), 
                hong <- Hong_Ooi(ll), 
                arun.dt <- Arun_data.table(ll), times=10)

Unit: seconds
                           expr       min        lq    median         uq        max neval
    arun1 <- Arun1_reshape2(ll)  9.157160  9.177143  9.366775   9.715767  28.043125    10
    arun2 <- Arun2_reshape2(ll)  8.408356  8.437066  8.494233   9.018796  10.075029    10
      eddi <- eddi_reshape2(ll)  8.056605  8.314110  8.402396   8.474129   9.124581    10
           hong <- Hong_Ooi(ll) 82.457432 82.716930 82.908646 108.413217 321.164598    10
 arun.dt <- Arun_data.table(ll)  2.006474  2.123331  2.212783   2.311619   2.738914    10
于 2013-06-18T17:04:27.953 回答



dcast(melt(ll, id.vars = 'name'), name ~ L1, fill = 0)
#   name 1 2 3
#1 Alice 1 2 0
#2   Bob 2 0 5
#3 Carla 3 1 4
#4 Diego 4 0 3
#5  Eric 0 3 1
#6 Frank 0 4 0
#7  Gary 0 5 2

Arun 的基准非常有趣,看起来data.table真正做得很好的是熔化部分,而reshape2真正做得好的是dcast,所以这是两全其美的:


pp = rbindlist(ll)[, id := rep(seq_along(ll), sapply(ll, nrow))]
dcast(pp, name ~ id, fill = 0, value.var = 'rank')

使用 Arun 的基准数据:

names <- tapply(sample(letters, 1e4, replace=TRUE), rep(1:(1e4/5), each=5), paste, collapse="")
names <- unique(names)

dd_create <- function() {
    nrow <- sample(c(100:500), 1)
    ncol <- 3
    data.frame(name = sample(names, nrow, replace=FALSE), rank = sample(nrow))

ll <- replicate(1e3, dd_create(), simplify = FALSE)

Arun_data.table <- function(ll) {
    pp <- rbindlist(ll)[, id := rep(seq_along(ll), sapply(ll, nrow))]
    setkey(pp, "name", "id")
    pp[CJ(unique(name), 1:1000)][is.na(rank), rank := 0L][, as.list(rank), by = name]

mix_of_both = function(ll) {
    pp = rbindlist(ll)[, id := rep(seq_along(ll), sapply(ll, nrow))]
    dcast(pp, name ~ id, fill = 0, value.var = 'rank')

microbenchmark(Arun_data.table(ll), mix_of_both(ll), times = 10)
# Unit: milliseconds
#                expr      min        lq    median        uq       max neval
# Arun_data.table(ll) 2568.333 2586.0079 2626.7704 2832.8076 2911.1314    10
#     mix_of_both(ll)  615.166  739.9383  766.8994  788.5822  821.0478    10
于 2013-06-18T18:43:39.150 回答

这里的数据,因为 OP 没有给出可重复的例子:

list(structure(list(name = structure(1:4, .Label = c("Alice", 
"Bob", "Carla", "Diego"), class = "factor"), rank = 1:4), .Names = c("name", 
"rank"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("1", "2", "3", "4"
)), structure(list(name = structure(1:5, .Label = c("Alice", 
"Carla", "Eric", "Frank", "Gary"), class = "factor"), rank = c(2L, 
1L, 3L, 4L, 5L)), .Names = c("name", "rank"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("1", 
"2", "3", "4", "5")), structure(list(name = structure(1:5, .Label = c("Bob", 
"Carla", "Diego", "Eric", "Gary"), class = "factor"), rank = c(5L, 
4L, 3L, 1L, 2L)), .Names = c("name", "rank"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("1", 
"2", "3", "4", "5")))

与@Arun 几乎相同的解决方案,但分两步:

## add race column
ll <- lapply(seq_along(ll),function(x){
  ll[[x]]$race <- x
## create a long data.frame
dd <- do.call(rbind,ll)
## transform to the wide format


   name 1 2 3
1 Alice 1 2 0
2   Bob 2 0 5
3 Carla 3 1 4
4 Diego 4 0 3
5  Eric 0 3 1
6 Frank 0 4 0
7  Gary 0 5 2
于 2013-06-18T17:04:52.937 回答


merge.all <- function(x, y)
merge(x, y, all=TRUE, by="name")

# to avoid problems with merged name clashes
for(i in seq_along(ll))
    names(ll[[i]])[2] <- paste0("rank", i)

out <- Reduce(merge.all, ll)


任何缺少的比赛都会有 NA。您可以用 0 替换它们out[is.na(out)] <- 0;你应该问问自己这是否明智。例如,如果您这样做,那么简单的汇总统计数据(如均值、方差等)将产生误导性结果。如果您想进行更复杂的建模,也是如此。相比之下,大多数 R 建模函数将足够智能以排除 NA。

于 2013-06-18T17:17:02.853 回答