So I know that there are all these plug-ins for apps that use GPS data, but that is not what I am asking...I wrote a Python library that uses GPS data, and I was wondering if the iPhone stores your GPS data somewhere I can access.

What I want to do:

I essentially want to plug my iPhone into my computer, and generate a CSV of GPS data since I always have location on I figured it might store GPS data somewhere.

I have done research and all that comes up are the different ways to access current locations and use locations in apps, but nothing on how to grab all existing GPS data. Is this possible, and if so, where can I find this data?


2 回答 2


iOS 本身不存储 GPS 数据,实际上 GPS 默认是禁用的(因为它需要大量的能量,以保证电池寿命)。事实上,建议开发人员仅在需要时使用 gps,并且在不使用 gps 硬件时关闭。

当然,您可以构建自己的应用程序,该应用程序可以在运行时存储 GPS 数据,也可以在后台存储,并且会询问用户使用 GPS 的权限。


于 2013-06-18T16:02:02.163 回答

仅当您将自己的应用程序上传到启用 GPS 并以某种方式转发 GPS 数据的 iPhone 时,您才能执行此操作。

但您仅限于以下 GPS 属性:


于 2013-06-18T16:33:23.450 回答