我正在用 C 语言编写一个程序,该程序可以找到弹丸撞击时的飞行时间和高度,并且我的程序正在编译,但它给出的解决方案值错误。知道我可能做错了什么吗?
*Finds final time and height of a projectile when it reaches the target
#include <stdio.h> /* printf, scanf definitions */
#include <math.h> /* cos definition */
#define G 32.17 /* gravitational constant */
double theta; /* input - angle(radians)of elevation */
double distance; /* input - distance(ft)to target */
double velocity; /* input - projectile velocity(ft/sec) */
double time; /* output - time(sec)of flight */
double height; /* output - height at impact */
/* Opening explanation to user */
printf("This program computes the duration of a projectile's flight and its height above the ground when it reaches the target. To use this program, enter the angle, the distance, and the velocity after each of the prompts.\n\n");
/* Get angle, distance, velocity. */
printf("Enter the angle of elevation in radians:");
scanf("%f", &theta );
printf("Enter the distance to target in feet:");
scanf("%f", &distance );
printf("Enter the projectile velocity in ft/sec:");
scanf("%f", &velocity );
/* Get time of flight */
time = distance / (velocity * cos(theta));
/*Get height at impact */
height = velocity * sin(theta) * time - ( (G * time*time) / 2.0 );
/* Display time of flight */
printf("The time of flight is %fs seconds.\n", time);
/* Display height at impact */
printf("The height at impact is %fm feet.\n", height);
return (0);