以下是 Andrew S. Tanenbaum 的“操作系统设计与实现”一书中的一个问题和答案。
As an example, consider a disk with 131,072 bytes/track, a rotation time of 8.33 msec, and an
average seek time of 10 msec. The time in milliseconds to read a block of k bytes is then the sum
of the seek, rotational delay, and transfer times:
10 + 4.165 + (k / 131072)x 8.33
现在,如果每个磁道有 131,072 字节,则要为此块读取 k/131,072 磁道。更改磁道是否涉及旋转延迟?为什么要乘以 8.33?
4.165 是从哪里来的?