What I'm trying to achieve is grabbing a still frame from a AVCaptureSession for something like a QR Code scanner. I have a view with a AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer sublayer.

I already tried using AVCaptureStillImageOutput, which worked, but that function makes the shutter sound. Since there's no way to mute that I can't use it. After that I tried to make a screenshot of the entire screen, which also failed, because it can't capture a AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer. Now I'm kinda lost, the only real way to do this would be to feed a video feed into my OCR library but that would lag to much/be a lot of work.

Are there any other options?


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如何在 iOS 上使用 AV Foundation 将摄像机中的视频帧捕获为图像

于 2013-06-13T18:20:30.897 回答