I want to do paypal integration with my website such as we can do all payment with paypal account without going on paypal website. and i want to do login for user to payment from own website not from paypal website. and finally pay should also from own website. in all these process i just want to use paypal account not credit card and debit card. Can any one provide me solutions or source code in asp.net ?


1 回答 1


如果您询问是否可以让买家留在您的网站上,并允许他们使用其 PayPal 帐户设置定期付款,而无需将其发送到 PayPal,答案是否定的。如果您询问是否可以将买家重定向到 PayPal 并让他们设置定期付款,答案是肯定的。

于 2013-05-02T13:40:54.457 回答