I have highcharts displaying a custom marker based on y value, and I have highcharts displaying x,y values with a given tickerinval. When I put the two together, highcharts chokes on parsing the marker value, I believe it assumes the y value is a date also, but not sure. Any help is greatly appreciated. the jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/indefire/WQmqN/ Specifically when I change line 50 of the fiddle diastolics.push([dateUTC,this.diastolic]); to diastolics.push([dateUTC,evaluateDiastolic(this.diastolic)];

but it works fine in this fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/indefire/VhQMn/2/ where time is not equidistant and the x values are just dates added via

xAxis: { categories: readingDates, type: 'datetime',

Thanks again!


1 回答 1



   x: dateUTC,
   y: diastolic,
   marker: {
于 2013-06-14T12:33:23.893 回答