I'm working on an iOS shopping app where users are shown a popup where they can choose to proceed to checkout as guest or login if they are registered. The design requires the popup to expand to show the password field if the user wants to login (otherwise only the email id field is shown so that he can proceed as guest). If users enter invalid email id or leave a field blank, the popup is required to expand further so that the users can be notified near the fields.

The only issue is, the design is such that this whole popup has the color, gradient and animation of UIAlertView, including the buttons. And as the normal UIAlertView can't be used to provide such extended functions, I designed it myself (as a view) and I'm presenting it modally with animations so that it looks like a UIAlertView has appeared

I just wanted to know whether this kind of imitation could lead to my app being rejected in the app store.


3 回答 3


有很多组件模仿或扩展 Apple 组件,例如:https ://github.com/domesticcatsoftware/DCRoundSwitch

关于您的 UIAlertView 方法 - 在 github 上也有大量定制的 UIAlertViews,这些已在许多应用程序中使用,例如:https ://github.com/eaigner/CODialog 。.这里没有什么不寻常的。


但是,我可以看到您的应用程序存在另一个问题。Apple 将拒绝 App Store 中排除用户或仅可由特定用户组使用的应用程序。因此,如果您提供登录功能,则用户需要轻松(自由地)注册或提供访客访问权限。

于 2013-06-13T11:12:52.083 回答



10. 用户界面

10.3未正确使用系统提供的项目(如按钮和图标)并按照 Apple iOS 人机界面指南中所述的应用程序可能会被拒绝




于 2013-06-13T10:44:04.130 回答

据我了解 Apple 的指导方针,他们不希望您以令人惊讶的方式使用熟悉的 UI 元素,从而使用户感到困惑。

通过正确模仿 UI 元素,您不会混淆用户(因为他/她可能无法区分原生实现和模仿实现之间的区别)。所以我不希望他们拒绝你的应用程序。

但是,您将需要做更多的工作来使您的应用程序适应即将到来的 iOS 7 设计,特别是创建一个同时支持 iOS 6 和 iOS 7 外观的应用程序(这将在一段时间内成为现实)。

于 2013-06-13T10:56:46.077 回答