I cannot for the life of me work out this issue with the images for my website.

I've tried using -moz-box-sizing: border-box; on the img element to no avail and I cannot wrap my head around the issue.

The images seem to retain their full 500x250 size in Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer 10 but work and format correctly on Google Chrome and Apple Safari.

I have inputted the HTML and CSS into a JSFiddle and the image persists, the JSFiddle can be found here and contains all the required code for the section in question.

The responsive functionality was removed to reduce the size of the code so it won't fold into a single column.

Some help would be appreciated before I have a mental breakdown, thanks.


1 回答 1


您的 div 没有宽度(.alignLeft 和 .alignRight)


    .alignLeft {
      width: 100%;
    .alignRight {
      width: 100%;

您必须调整边距或减少 div 的百分比,但您明白了,应该能够按照您需要的方式进行布局

于 2013-06-12T18:51:12.717 回答