Our application uses an Azure SQL Database.

Apart from our local dev setup, we have two environments:

  • Staging (for quality assurance and client testing), and
  • Production (live)

The Staging database and Production database are stored on two separate SQL Database servers. In both servers, the databases are named the same.


Since the server names are automatically and uniquely generated (and are a bunch of randomly generated letters), it is very difficult to distinguish between Staging and Production. Screenshot from the Azure portal below:

enter image description here

This also increases the possibility of pointing to the wrong database when running change scripts, queries, etc. If it was possible to alias/rename the servers, then this wouldn't be a problem, but I know that this isn't possible.

Any suggestions? What do you do in your environment?


2 回答 2


如果您想要语音数据库 URL,您可以为 SQL Azure 服务器使用自定义 DNS 名称。

因此,您可以像这样对您的自定义域进行 CNAME:

liveDB.mydomain.com 到 random2323LIVE32323.database.windows.net

stageDB.mydomain.com 到 random43435STAGE34.database.windows.net


您仍然需要服务器名称,因为您需要以 user@random2323LIVE32323 身份登录。



于 2013-06-12T16:21:28.980 回答

尽管这需要更多的管理工作,但我通常会为 Stage 与 Prod 推荐不同的 Live ID。那是因为我通常希望为我的云服务设置一组不同的管理员。如果您将一个 Live ID 命名为 PRODAppName 和 STGAppName,您可以让自己成为这两个 Live ID 的共同管理员,并且只需使用门户的过滤功能,仅在您需要知道哪个服务是哪个服务时才查看 PROD 或 STG . 希望这是有道理的。

于 2013-06-13T13:15:19.310 回答