I have a site based on a template in Dreamweaver. The template does have the tag: <!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/Main.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="true" -->. But nowhere in the template do I have the "height" attribute. One of the pages I am cleaning up has a table in the main content area with numerous height="42" attributes that I am trying to remove. When I do a Find & Replace, afterwards I get the alert:

The template that this document is based on does not allow changes outside the tag. The changes you made will be discarded.

So the 500 instances that got removed are returned. If the tag/search criteria does not exist in the template, why is Dreamweaver insisting that it does exist and discard my F&R? I do not want to manually delete this stuff, nor open Notepad++ every time to delete tags.

NOTE: This is just one instance of the specific error. I have also gotten this error message when I am removing whitespace from older pages in Dreamweaver.


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