public class ConvolutedGenerics {
// listClass is a class implementing a List of some Serializable type
public void doSomethingWithListOfSerializables(
Class<? extends List<? extends Serializable>> listClass) {
// Capture '? extends Serializable' as 'T extends Serializable'
// The line does not compile with javac 7
captureTheWildcard(listClass); // <------ zonk here
// listClass is a class implementing a List of some Serializable type
private <T extends Serializable>
void captureTheWildcard(
Class<? extends List</* ? extends */T>> listClass) {
// Do something
用 javac 7 编译产生:
ConvolutedGenerics.java:18: error: method captureTheWildcard in class ConvolutedGenerics cannot be applied to given types;
required: Class<? extends List<T>>
found: Class<CAP#1>
reason: no instance(s) of type variable(s) T exist so that argument type Class<CAP#1> conforms to formal parameter type Class<? extends List<T>>
where T is a type-variable:
T extends Serializable declared in method <T>captureTheWildcard(Class<? extends List<T>>)
where CAP#1 is a fresh type-variable:
CAP#1 extends List<? extends Serializable> from capture of ? extends List<? extends Serializable>
1 error