I have an application that needs to redirect the output to Console.Write and Console.Writeline to somewhere else.
To elaborate further, my code starts a process at certain intervals. This proces is not written by me, or the company I work for, and I do not have source-code access. I capture that output from that process because I need to know when I check up on the logs later if something has failed, and stuff like that, so I've redirected the output to a text-file like this:
String filename = "the-log-file-with-a-datetime-stamp.txt";
FileStream filestream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create);
streamwriter = new StreamWriter(filestream);
streamwriter.AutoFlush = true;
That works fine, sort of, but I would like to be able to redirect to more than one place, like I know redirect to a streamwriter.
Lets say for arguments sake I want it to redirect to the streamwriter AND write the line in a table in a database, and also show it in console, should someone have manually run the program. How would I go about that?
Can I implement my own TextWriter and handle it there, and if so, how?
Please let me know if I can clarify further.