我可以使用 getAllRecords() 和 getRecord(long id) 显示全部或选择性数量的记录。问题是我想为我的可扩展列表子项上的每个视图按钮显示不同的记录。每个子项都有一个附加的视图按钮。组位置是已知的。(第一组)。但孩子的位置似乎无法追踪。我只有一个资源 ID。那么我应该如何为每个孩子显示不同的记录呢?请帮忙,因为这让我很困惑。这是 MyCustomAdapter.java 代码、Parent.java 代码和 DisplayCursor.java 代码。我已经尝试了很多来思考它,试图找到提取孩子 ID 并从 id 中提取特定记录的方法。但一切都是徒劳的。更新:发现我需要使用 getTag() 和 viewTag() 来实现这一点。
MyCustomAdapter 代码。(包含可扩展列表函数 getchildview 和 getgroupview)
public class MyCustomAdapter extends BaseExpandableListAdapter {
private LayoutInflater inflater;
private ArrayList<parent> mParent;
public MyCustomAdapter(){}
public MyCustomAdapter(Context context, ArrayList<parent> parent){
mParent = parent;
inflater = LayoutInflater.from(context);
//counts the number of group/parent items so the list knows how many times calls getGroupView() method
public int getGroupCount() {
return mParent.size();
//counts the number of children items so the list knows how many times calls getChildView() method
public int getChildrenCount(int i) {
return mParent.get(i).getArrayChildren().size();
//gets the title of each parent/group
public Object getGroup(int i) {
return mParent.get(i).getTitle();
//gets the name of each item
public Object getChild(int i, int i1) {
return mParent.get(i).getArrayChildren().get(i1);
public long getGroupId(int i) {
return i;
public long getChildId(int i, int i1) {
return i1;
public boolean hasStableIds() {
return true;
//in this method you must set the text to see the parent/group on the list
public View getGroupView(int i, boolean b, View view, ViewGroup viewGroup) {
if (view == null) {
view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.investment_summary_parent, viewGroup,false);
TextView textView = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.list_item_text_view);
//"i" is the position of the parent/group in the list
//return the entire view
return view;
//in this method you must set the text to see the children on the list
public View getChildView(int i, int i1, boolean b, View view, ViewGroup viewGroup) {
if (view == null) {
view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.investment_summary_child, viewGroup,false);
// viewbutton.getTag();
TextView textView = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.list_item_text_child);
//"i" is the position of the parent/group in the list and
//"i1" is the position of the child
//return the entire view
return view;
public boolean isChildSelectable(int i, int i1) {
return true;
public void registerDataSetObserver(DataSetObserver observer) {
/* used to make the notifyDataSetChanged() method work */
public class parent {
private String mTitle;
private ArrayList<String> mArrayChildren;
public String getTitle() {
return mTitle;
public void setTitle(String mTitle) {
this.mTitle = mTitle;
public ArrayList<String> getArrayChildren() {
return mArrayChildren;
public void setArrayChildren(ArrayList<String> mArrayChildren) {
this.mArrayChildren = mArrayChildren;
DisplayCursor 代码: public class DisplayCursor extends ListActivity { DBAdapter db = new DBAdapter(this);
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
public void filldata(){
Cursor cursor = db.getRecord(2);//displays 2nd record
String[] columns = new String[] {DBAdapter.invest_type,DBAdapter.curr_per_share_price, DBAdapter.share_name,
int[] to = new int[] { R.id.investmenttype,R.id.currpershareprice,R.id.sharename,R.id.shareno,R.id.shareid, R.id.purprice,
SimpleCursorAdapter mAdapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter( this, R.layout.row, cursor, columns, to);
请指导我必须进行哪些更改才能为每个视图按钮显示不同的记录。也就是说,如果单击第一个子视图按钮,则必须显示第一个记录,单击第二个子视图按钮意味着必须显示第二个记录。等等。假设我有 3 个孩子,3 个相应的视图按钮和 3 个记录。