I created an html 5 table with a single column that holds a variety of strings which are YouTube video URLs. I am able to insert strings into the table but the issue is that I am trying to use a JavaScript function to get a link(string) and insert it into my iframe YouTube player. Here is what I have:
Here is my table:
Link: <input id="link" type="link" name="link">
<button onClick="appendRow()" > Add Song </button>
<table id = "my_table" table border = "5">
Here is where I call my JavaScript function to insert the URL to the YouTube player:
<iframe width="888" height="420"
Here is my javascript function for grabbing the URL:
var counter = 0;
var songURL = "http://www.youtube.com/embed/evuSpI2Genw";
function getNextSong()
if(counter != 0)
var tbl = document.getElementById('my_table'), // table reference
songURL = tbl.rows[counter];
songURL = tbl.rows[0];
function getURL()
return songURL;
Please keep in mind that I am new to both JavaScript and HTML5.