I am trying to copy a set of files or say set of folder (files can be of higher size or of any type), when i try to copy then everything is stored in clipboard, i want to know how to access the details from clipboard? Also, how to access the paste functionality of windows? I mean i want to do something while something is getting pasted.


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您需要从 MSDN 壳剪贴板格式。它们记录在这里:http: //msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb776902 (v=vs.85).aspx

特别是,CF_HDROP 实际上只是复制的文件路径列表的文本表示。将其放入字符串缓冲区,您将拥有所有这些路径名。

这个问题的答案会给你正确的方法。它是 Delphi,但可读性很强:如何检查是否已成功从剪贴板获取文件名列表?

于 2013-06-12T12:09:56.047 回答