我有以下 SQL (SQL Server),它在大多数情况下都有效。问题是我真的在创建一个正方形而不是一个真正的圆形。我的目标是经过一个有纬度和经度的城市和州,然后找到该纬度半径 100 英里范围内的所有城市。纬度和经度存储在数据库中,所以我所有的值都在那里。我只需要一种更精确的方法。到目前为止,这是我的代码:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_StoresByZipArea] (@zip nvarchar(5), @Radius float)  AS

DECLARE @LatRange float
DECLARE @LongRange float
DECLARE @LowLatitude float
DECLARE @HighLatitude  float
DECLARE @LowLongitude  float
DECLARE @HighLongitude  float

DECLARE @istartlat  float
DECLARE @istartlong  float

SELECT @iStartlat=Latitude, @iStartLong=Longitude from zipcodes where zipcode=@ZIP

SELECT @LatRange = @Radius / ((6076 / 5280) * 60)
SELECT @LongRange = @Radius / (((cos((@iStartLat * 3.141592653589 / 180)) * 6076.) /  5280.) * 60)

SELECT @LowLatitude = @istartlat - @LatRange
SELECT @HighLatitude = @istartlat + @LatRange
SELECT @LowLongitude = @istartlong - @LongRange
SELECT @HighLongitude = @istartlong + @LongRange

/** Now you can create a SQL statement which limits the recordset of cities in this manner:  **/

 WHERE (Latitude <= @HighLatitude) AND (Latitude >= @LowLatitude) AND (Longitude >= @LowLongitude) AND (Longitude <= @HighLongitude)

3 回答 3


I've used the great circle distance to do this in the past. The implementation below tells you the distance between two different points, which could be used to do what you are talking about:

create function dbo.GreatCircleDistance
    @Latitude1  float,
    @Longitude1 float,
    @Latitude2  float,
    @Longitude2 float
returns float
FUNCTION: dbo.GreatCircleDistance

    Computes the Great Circle distance in kilometers
    between two points on the Earth using the
    Haversine formula distance calculation.

Input Parameters:
    @Longitude1 - Longitude in degrees of point 1
    @Latitude1  - Latitude  in degrees of point 1
    @Longitude2 - Longitude in degrees of point 2
    @Latitude2  - Latitude  in degrees of point 2

declare @radius float

declare @lon1  float
declare @lon2  float
declare @lat1  float
declare @lat2  float

declare @a float
declare @distance float

-- Sets average radius of Earth in Kilometers
set @radius = 6371.0E

-- Convert degrees to radians
set @lon1 = radians( @Longitude1 )
set @lon2 = radians( @Longitude2 )
set @lat1 = radians( @Latitude1 )
set @lat2 = radians( @Latitude2 )

set @a = sqrt(square(sin((@lat2-@lat1)/2.0E)) + 
    (cos(@lat1) * cos(@lat2) * square(sin((@lon2-@lon1)/2.0E))) )

set @distance =
    @radius * ( 2.0E *asin(case when 1.0E < @a then 1.0E else @a end ))

return @distance

于 2013-06-11T18:32:43.373 回答


SELECT @LatRange = @Radius / ((6076 / 5280) * 60)

(6076 / 5280) 部分将始终评估为 1。

于 2013-06-11T18:25:53.437 回答

此功能在 SQL Server 2012 及更高版本中提供。请参阅查询最近邻的空间数据

DECLARE @g geography;  
DECLARE @h geography;  
-- SRID 4326 specifies the use of WGS 84 coordinate system (same as GPS)
SET @g = geography::STGeomFromText('POINT(-122.360 47.656)', 4326);  
SET @h = geography::STGeomFromText('POINT(-122.34900 47.65100)', 4326); 

-- Returns 995 meters 
SELECT @g.STDistance(@h);  
于 2018-01-25T02:30:52.183 回答