
Mat rose = Mat(1,180, CV_64F, 0);






这个问题包含带有另一个错误的示例代码,现在在这里:如何在 OpenCV 中用零填充矩阵?


3 回答 3


正如威廉已经正确指出的那样,您应该只提供正确的类型作为at. 我相信它cv::Mat本身并不是为了简化而制作的模板。然而,OpenCV 团队正在尝试支持 C++ 功能,包括模板。界面以这种方式变得略微异构。


template<int I>
struct CvType {};

struct CvType<CV_64F> { typedef double type_t; };
struct CvType<CV_32F> { typedef float type_t; };
struct CvType<CV_8U> { typedef unsigned char type_t; };
// Other types go here

void main()
  const int type = CV_64F;
  cv::Mat mat(10, 10, type);
  mat.at<CvType<type>::type_t>(1, 1);


于 2013-06-11T09:19:31.290 回答


Mat m1 = Mat(1,1, CV_64F, cvScalar(0.));
m1.at<double>(0,0) = 0;


Mat m1 = cv::Mat::zeros(1,1, CV_64F);
m1.at<double>(0,0) = 0;
于 2013-06-11T09:41:49.600 回答

该类Mat不是模板类,它允许在运行时更改其“类型”。更改类型很有用,例如从文件读取时。当使用Matas 函数参数时,不是模板很方便,因为函数不需要是模板函数。


最简单的方法就是使用 if-else-cascade:

Mat img = imread("test.png");
if (img.channels() == 1) {
    if (img.depth() == CV_8U) {
        cout << (int)(img.at<uint8_t>(0,0)) << endl;
    else if (img.depth() == CV_8S) {
        /* ... */
    /* ... */
/* ... */
else if (img.channels() == 3) {
    if (img.depth() == CV_8U) {
        auto p = img.at<array<uint8_t,3>>(0,0);
        cout << (int)(p[0]) << ";" << (int)(p[1]) << ";" << (int)(p[2]) << endl;
    /* ... */
/* ... */

但是你可以想象这会变得很麻烦,如果你为所有类型和通道写出来。无论如何,您必须限制通道的数量,因为 OpenCV 没有硬性限制。下面我们选择4。


struct PrintPixel {
    Mat img;

    // this template function will be called from the metaprogram
    template<int cv_type> // compile time value e.g. CV_8UC3
    bool operator()() {
        using elem_t  = typename CvTypeTraits<cv_type>::base_type;
        using array_t = typename CvTypeTraits<cv_type>::array_type;
        // you could also do static_asserts here

        array_t pixel = img.at<array_t>(0,0);
        for (elem_t val : pixel)
            cout << (double)(val) << ", ";
        cout << endl;
        return any_of(pixel.begin(), pixel.end(), [](elem_t v){return v != 0;});

请注意,返回类型可以是任意的,但不幸operator()的是可能不取决于图像类型。cv_type这是因为它也用作保存 if-else 级联的函数的返回类型(该run函数,见下文)。


Mat img = imread("test.png");
int t = img.type();

// call functor, check for 1-4 channels and all 7 base types
bool not_zero = CallFunctor::run(PrintPixel{img}, t);

// call functor, check only for 1 or 3 channels and 8 bit unsigned int
CallFunctorRestrictChannelsTo<1,3>::AndBaseTypesTo<CV_8U>::run(PrintPixel{img}, t);

t如果is notCV_8UC1或,后一个调用将引发异常CV_8UC3。如果你经常使用相同的限制,你可以用 using 声明来缩写它(见下面头文件的底部)。

因此,这是一个易于使用的解决方案,它允许您使用从运行时值“生成”的编译时值。但请记住,在后台,if-else-cascade 正在执行所有检查(按照指定通道和类型的顺序)。这意味着对于检查的每个通道和类型的组合,都会生成一个具体的仿函数类。如果它很大,那可能会很糟糕。所以它应该只包括类型相关的部分。它也可以是一个工厂仿函数,它实例化具有非模板基的模板类,并使用虚函数来减少代码大小。


#pragma once

#include <cstdint>
#include <type_traits>
#include <array>
#include <opencv2/core/types_c.h>

template<int> struct BaseType { };
template<> struct BaseType<CV_8S>  { using base_type = int8_t;   };
template<> struct BaseType<CV_8U>  { using base_type = uint8_t;  };
template<> struct BaseType<CV_16S> { using base_type = int16_t;  };
template<> struct BaseType<CV_16U> { using base_type = uint16_t; };
template<> struct BaseType<CV_32S> { using base_type = int32_t;  };
template<> struct BaseType<CV_32F> { using base_type = float;    };
template<> struct BaseType<CV_64F> { using base_type = double;   };

template<int t>
struct CvTypeTraits {
    constexpr static int channels = t / CV_DEPTH_MAX + 1;
    using base_type = typename BaseType<t % CV_DEPTH_MAX>::base_type;
    using array_type = std::array<base_type, channels>;

template<int currentChannel, int... otherChannels>
struct find_chan_impl {
    template<typename ret_type, int... types>
    struct find_type_impl {
        template<class Functor>
        static inline ret_type run(Functor&& f, int const& c, int const& t) {
            if (c == currentChannel)
                return find_chan_impl<currentChannel>::template find_type_impl<ret_type, types...>::run(std::forward<Functor>(f), c, t);
                return find_chan_impl<otherChannels...>::template find_type_impl<ret_type, types...>::run(std::forward<Functor>(f), c, t);

struct find_chan_impl<0> {
    template<typename ret_type, int... types>
    struct find_type_impl {
        template<class Functor>
        [[noreturn]] static inline ret_type run(Functor&& f, int const& c, int const& t) {
            throw std::runtime_error("The image has " + std::to_string(c) + " channels, but you did not try to call the functor with this number of channels.");

template<int channel>
struct find_chan_impl<channel> {
    template<typename ret_type, int currentType, int... otherTypes>
    struct find_type_impl {
        static_assert(currentType < CV_DEPTH_MAX, "You can only restrict to base types, without channel specification");

        template<class Functor>
        static inline ret_type run(Functor&& f, int const& c, int const& t) {
            if (t == currentType)
                return find_type_impl<ret_type, currentType>::run(std::forward<Functor>(f), c, t);
                return find_type_impl<ret_type, otherTypes...>::run(std::forward<Functor>(f), c, t);

    template<typename ret_type, int type>
    struct find_type_impl<ret_type, type> {
        template<class Functor>
        static inline ret_type run(Functor&& f, int const& c, int const& t) {
            return f.template operator()<CV_MAKETYPE(type,channel)>();

    template<typename ret_type>
    struct find_type_impl<ret_type, -1> {
        template<class Functor>
        [[noreturn]] static inline ret_type run(Functor&& f, int const& c, int const& t) {
            throw std::runtime_error("The image is of base type " + std::to_string(t) + ", but you did not try to call the functor with this base type.");

template<int... channels>
struct CallFunctorRestrictChannelsTo {
    template<int firstType, int... types>
    struct AndBaseTypesTo {
        template<class Functor>
        static inline auto run(Functor&& f, int t) -> decltype(f.template operator()<firstType>()) {
            using functor_ret_type = decltype(f.template operator()<firstType>());
            std::div_t d = std::div(t, CV_DEPTH_MAX);
            int c             = d.quot + 1;
            int const& base_t = d.rem;
            return find_chan_impl<channels..., 0>::template find_type_impl<functor_ret_type, firstType, types..., -1>::run(std::forward<Functor>(f), c, base_t);

    template<class Functor>
    static inline auto run(Functor&& f, int t) -> decltype(f.template operator()<CV_8S>()) {
        return AndBaseTypesTo<CV_8S, CV_8U, CV_16S, CV_16U, CV_32S, CV_32F, CV_64F>::run(std::forward<Functor>(f), t);

template<int... types>
using CallFunctorRestrictBaseTypesTo = CallFunctorRestrictChannelsTo<1,2,3,4>::template AndBaseTypesTo<types...>;

using CallFunctor = CallFunctorRestrictChannelsTo<1,2,3,4>::template AndBaseTypesTo<CV_8S, CV_8U, CV_16S, CV_16U, CV_32S, CV_32F, CV_64F>;
于 2016-05-10T22:23:29.380 回答