Match a string that ends with a ; make it optional and do not capture that group as it is not required. But do capture the rest of the string that occurs after the first condition.

Text1: transfer from source not possible; snapmirror may be misconfigured, the source volume may be busy or unavailable.

Text2: snapmirror may be modified, the destination volume is unavailable.

Desired OUTPUT:

snapmirror may be misconfigured, the source volume may be busy or unavailable

snapmirror may be modified, the destination volume is unavailable

I want my regex to look for the 'transfer from source not possible' or any string that occurs in that way before a semi-colon and I want my regex not to capture this as a group.

Also, I want to capture everything that occurs after a semi-colon till the end.

Regex tried: (?:.*;)? (.+)\..*

The above regex works for Text1 but not for Text2. Anyone help me fix this please?


1 回答 1



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于 2013-06-11T08:16:38.203 回答