I am new to Haskell.
I have this code (my solution to one of the exercise from Ninety-Nine Haskell Problems)
data Structure a = Single a | Multiple (a, Int) deriving (Show)
encodeM ::(Eq a)=> [a]->[Structure a]
encodeM l = map(\x -> (let size = length x
--h = head x
in if size>1 then Multiple ( head x, size) else Single (head x)
) $ group l
When I uncomment "-h = head x" I get: "parse error on input `='"
xxx l= let size = length l
h = head l
in size
works fine, why it doesn't compile when I use "let" with multiple statement inside the lambda?
I have tried to replace let by where
encodeM2 ::(Eq a)=> [a]->[Structure a]
encodeM2 l = map(\x->if si>1 then Multiple ( head x, si) else Single (head x)
where si = length x)
but it doesn't compile as well, whats wrong with it?