我正在使用以下脚本来停止机器上的节点。但是获取 Stop-NlbClusterNode :找不到与参数名称“凭据”匹配的参数。使用 power-shell 脚本和 windows 2012 停止节点时出错。另外,如何在此脚本中传递密码。请指导。
#This script monitors stopped application pools along with websites on the current host
$RemoteHostName = "testserver"
#set hostname
#import NLB module. In PS v3 these lines should be redundant and can be removed.
import-module NetworkLoadBalancingClusters
"Networking Load Balancing Clusters Module imported"
# requests the user's credentials and assigns the credentials to an object
$Credential = Get-Credential "domain\testuser"
"Get credentials for test user done"
#uses the nlb cmdlets to check the state of the current cluster
$clusterstatus = get-nlbclusternode -nodename $RemoteHostName
[string]$status = $clusterstatus | select -expand state
"Got the status of cluster $clusterstatus"
#if the node has already been stopped dont do anything
if ($status -eq "Stopped")
"Node alrerady stopped"
#if the node hasnt been stopped, stop the node and then send an email out
"Starting to drain stop the node"
stop-NlbClusterNode -HostName $RemoteHostName -Credential $Credential -Drain
开始睡眠 -s 30