I have in my excel file a column filed with words and numbers like this:
My goal is to have my program analyzing the elements of this column. Right now, I am trying to identify the postal code which is, in my case, a four figures numbers (here 1121).
So I want to loop from the first to the last element, and have a matching method saying something like "if this element is a number and has four figures, then...". I don't know if this is possible in VBA and my researches have been quite unproductive as google-ing my key words for this query leads to results which doesn't relate to what I'm doing.
I guess the structure would look like this :
For i = 2 To lRowD
Range("D" & i).Activate
If myResult Then 'if Metro Manila in the address
Range("A20").Value = ActiveCell.Value 'put the Zip Code in another cell
End If
Next i