Alright, it looks like you are not accounting for the fact that asin, atan, ( any a-trig function ) has no way to know which of the two possible quadrants the value you passed in lies. To make up for that, a-trig function will assume that your point is in the first or fourth quadrant ( northeast / southeast ). Therefore, if you call atan function and your original point was in the second or third quadrant, you need to add 180 degrees / pi radians onto whatever value it returns.
See the documentation here stating that asin returns a value from [-pi/2, pi/2] :
Hope that helps :)
I misunderstood the situation originally
Here is what I think you have calculated :
t_1 and t_2 represent the angles you would travel at if you started on the circle from the tangent point and wanted to travel to your original starting point.
Viewed with this perspective your angles are correct.
For the point (7,6)
If you started on the circle at approx. (0,5) and traveled at 7 degrees, you would hit the point.
If you started on the circle at approx. (5,0) and traveled at 70 degrees, you would hit the point.
Now, what is going to be more useful and less confusing than angles, will be to know the slope of the line. To get this from the angle, do the following with angle in degrees:
angle = (angle + 90 + 360) % 180 - 90 // this gives us the angle as it would be in quad 1 or 4
slope = tan( deg2rad( angle ) )