我有一个应用程序,其中用户上传了一个包含数百行的 Excel 文件,当他点击上传时,文件被转换为 aDataTable并发送到数据库以由存储过程插入。上传花费了太多时间,我想显示已插入行数的进度。有没有办法做到这一点?

List<DataTable> tb = Helper.SplitTableToManyTables(FileTb, 50); // this is a function that split the Main dataTable to several Dt each have 50 rows
        int importedRowsCount = 0;
        for (int KLoop = 0; KLoop < tb.Count; KLoop++)
            string[] ContctInfoCols = { "First Name", "Last Name", "Nickname", "Job Title", "Birthday", "Gender", "E-mail Address", "E-mail Address 2", "E-mail Address 3", "Web Page", "Mobile", "Mobile 2", "Mobile 3", "Home Phone", "Home Phone 2", "Business Phone", "Business Phone 2", "Other Phone", "Business Fax", "Home Fax", "Home Street", "Business Street", "Notes", "Company" };//the order of fields is very important
            string contact = "";
            DataTable resTb = new DataTable("ContactsTb");
            for (int iLoop = 0; iLoop < tb[KLoop].Rows.Count; iLoop++)
                contact = ";";
                DataRow dr = resTb.NewRow();
                for (int jLoop = 0; jLoop < ContctInfoCols.Length; jLoop++)
                    if (ContctInfoCols[jLoop] != "" && tb[KLoop].Rows[iLoop][ContctInfoCols[jLoop]].ToString() != "")
                        contact += (jLoop + 1).ToString() + "~" + tb[KLoop].Rows[iLoop][ContctInfoCols[jLoop]].ToString().Replace("/", "") + ";";
                dr["ContactInfo"] = contact;
            if (QueriesDataHelper.ImportContacts(resTb, int.Parse(TxtHiddenGroupId.Value), Session)) // here is the stored procedure call 
                importedRowsCount += resTb.Rows.Count;
                var script = "DisplayProgressMsg(" + importedRowsCount + ")";
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "MyScript", script, true); // here i am trying to display the currently inserted rows but it's not working
                if (KLoop == tb.Count - 1)
                    MessageBox.Show(importedRowsCount.ToString()+" Contacts imported successfully");
            // MessageBox.Show("Sorry,an error occured during contacts upload.");

     function DisplayProgressMsg(msg) {

1 回答 1


The upload is taking too much time and I want to display progress for the number of rows that have been inserted. Is there anyway to do that?

It depends on how you're inserting the data.

sent to the database to be inserted by a stored procedure.

If you're using SqlDbType.Structured parameters you might take note of how far along enumerating the parameter's IEnumerable<SqlDataRecord> value you are.

If you're calling a stored procedure once per row then count how many stored procedure calls you've made so far.

If you're using SqlBulkCopy you can use the SqlRowsCopied event to receive feedback on the number of rows inserted.

If you're using SqlDataAdapter you can look at the RowUpdated and RowUpdating events.

Using something else? Read the fine manual for what feedback options are available to you.

Although you might be missing the real problem:

several hundreds rows ... taking too much time

Review how you're inserting the rows, you should be able to insert thousands of rows per second which could render your need to provide feedback moot.

于 2013-06-08T08:09:32.727 回答