您可以使用 SMTP 从电子邮件服务器(如 gmail)发送邮件,以免将其放入垃圾邮件文件夹。您可以使用此脚本:
require "email.php";
$mail = new EMail;
$mail->Username = 'somthing@mydomain.co.uk';
$mail->Password = 'thepassword';
$mail->SetFrom("some@address.com","Some name"); // Name is optional
$mail->AddTo("someother@address.com","Someother name"); // Name is optional
$mail->Subject = "Some subject or other";
$mail->Message = "Some html message";
//Optional stuff
$mail->AddCc("someother3@address.com","name 3"); // Set a CC if needed, name optional
$mail->ContentType = "text/html"; // Defaults to "text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1"
$mail->Headers['X-SomeHeader'] = 'abcde'; // Set some extra headers if required
$mail->ConnectTimeout = 30; // Socket connect timeout (sec)
$mail->ResponseTimeout = 8; // CMD response timeout (sec)
$success = $mail->Send();
//email.php: Sends an email using an auth smtp connection
class EMail
const newline = "\r\n";
$Server, $Port, $Localhost,
$Username, $Password, $ConnectTimeout, $ResponseTimeout,
$Headers, $ContentType, $From, $To, $Cc, $Subject, $Message,
function __construct()
$this->Server = "";
$this->Port = 25;
$this->Localhost = "localhost";
$this->ConnectTimeout = 30;
$this->ResponseTimeout = 8;
$this->From = array();
$this->To = array();
$this->Cc = array();
$this->Log = array();
$this->Headers['MIME-Version'] = "1.0";
$this->Headers['Content-type'] = "text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1";
private function GetResponse()
stream_set_timeout($this->skt, $this->ResponseTimeout);
$response = '';
while (($line = fgets($this->skt, 515)) != false)
$response .= trim($line) . "\n";
if (substr($line,3,1)==' ') break;
return trim($response);
private function SendCMD($CMD)
fputs($this->skt, $CMD . self::newline);
return $this->GetResponse();
private function FmtAddr(&$addr)
if ($addr[1] == "") return $addr[0]; else return "\"{$addr[1]}\" <{$addr[0]}>";
private function FmtAddrList(&$addrs)
$list = "";
foreach ($addrs as $addr)
if ($list) $list .= ", ".self::newline."\t";
$list .= $this->FmtAddr($addr);
return $list;
function AddTo($addr,$name = "")
$this->To[] = array($addr,$name);
function AddCc($addr,$name = "")
$this->Cc[] = array($addr,$name);
function SetFrom($addr,$name = "")
$this->From = array($addr,$name);
function Send()
$newLine = self::newline;
//Connect to the host on the specified port
$this->skt = fsockopen($this->Server, $this->Port, $errno, $errstr, $this->ConnectTimeout);
if (empty($this->skt))
return false;
$this->Log['connection'] = $this->GetResponse();
//Say Hello to SMTP
$this->Log['helo'] = $this->SendCMD("EHLO {$this->Localhost}");
//Request Auth Login
$this->Log['auth'] = $this->SendCMD("AUTH LOGIN");
$this->Log['username'] = $this->SendCMD(base64_encode($this->Username));
$this->Log['password'] = $this->SendCMD(base64_encode($this->Password));
//Email From
$this->Log['mailfrom'] = $this->SendCMD("MAIL FROM:<{$this->From[0]}>");
//Email To
$i = 1;
foreach (array_merge($this->To,$this->Cc) as $addr)
$this->Log['rcptto'.$i++] = $this->SendCMD("RCPT TO:<{$addr[0]}>");
//The Email
$this->Log['data1'] = $this->SendCMD("DATA");
//Construct Headers
if (!empty($this->ContentType))
$this->Headers['Content-type'] = $this->ContentType;
$this->Headers['From'] = $this->FmtAddr($this->From);
$this->Headers['To'] = $this->FmtAddrList($this->To);
if (!empty($this->Cc))
$this->Headers['Cc'] = $this->FmtAddrList($this->Cc);
$this->Headers['Subject'] = $this->Subject;
$this->Headers['Date'] = date('r');
$headers = '';
foreach ($this->Headers as $key => $val)
$headers .= $key . ': ' . $val . self::newline;
$this->Log['data2'] = $this->SendCMD("{$headers}{$newLine}{$this->Message}{$newLine}.");
// Say Bye to SMTP
$this->Log['quit'] = $this->SendCMD("QUIT");
return substr($this->Log['data2'],0,3) == "250";