In my view have this:
var properties = db.StylesPropertyDefs.OrderBy(o => o.PropertyId);
.Title("Array Grid")
new ModelField("PropertyId", ModelFieldType.Int),
new ModelField("PropertyName", ModelFieldType.String),
new ModelField("PropertyShortName", ModelFieldType.String),
new ModelField("PropertyActiveFlag", ModelFieldType.Boolean)
And i have an action in the controller to add new property. The new property is added successful but I can refresh the PanelGrid (without refresh the whole page). Here is the controller:
public ActionResult AddNewProperty(string propertyName, string propertyCode, bool propertyActive)
if (propertyName == "" || propertyCode=="")
X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig
Title = "Error",
Message = "The field name or code can not be empty.",
Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK,
Icon = MessageBox.Icon.ERROR
return this.Direct();
//if all is ok add new property
var newOne = new StylesPropertyDef
PropertyActiveFlag = propertyActive,
PropertyName = propertyName,
PropertyShortName = propertyCode
var db = new TaosKnowledgeDataContext(DataUtils.GetConStringLocal());
//reload properties
var properties = db.StylesPropertyDefs.OrderBy(o => o.PropertyId);
var theGrid = X.GetCmp<GridPanel>("propertyGrid");
//now i need refresh or reload the panel grid.
return this.Direct();
//return RedirectToAction("StyleProperties");
So, resuming, I need refresh the PanelGrid datasource(or store) from the controller. Please can you help me?