NOTE: I am using Visaul C++ 2010

I have been working on an OpenGL project and decided to download SOIL, which is a library for loading textures in OpenGL.

Link: http://lonesock.net/soil.html

The issue is that I get 2 LNK2001 errors listed below when I call the function SOIL_load_OGL_texture()

1>SOIL.lib(stb_image_aug.o) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __alloca
1>SOIL.lib(image_helper.o) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _sqrtf

I have read various articles, and tried various solutions such as excluding some of the default libraries for VC++ which seems to be a common one but it hasn't worked for me.

I have included the header and added the SOIL.lib to additional dependencies.


1 回答 1


我修好了它!我只需要将源代码编译成 .lib 就可以了(我之前使用的是提供的库)。

于 2013-06-07T20:31:11.317 回答