我正在播放从我选择的音乐文件目录生成的列表中的 ogg 声音文件。由于某种原因,第一首歌曲被跳过并从第二首歌曲开始播放。出于某种原因,它偶尔会播放第一首歌曲的瞬间,这让我相信我如何尝试将歌曲从列表中循环排列,但我似乎无法修复它。
import pygame
import sys
import os
from pygame.locals import *
surface = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480))
musicDir = "/Users/user/Desktop/Dat Sound/Music/"
x = os.listdir(musicDir)
del(x[0]) # Deleting first element because it's DS Store file (Mac)
print x # The list is ['Bonfire.ogg', 'Voodoo Child.ogg']
n = ''
count = 1
for i in range(len(x)):
n = musicDir + str(x[i])
print n
pygame.mixer.music.queue(musicDir + str(x[i]))
# I'm queueing the next song in the list of songs from the folder + its location
print pygame.mixer.music.get_busy()
# get_busy returns true for both files but only the second is playing
running = True
while running:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
running = False