I wish to create a media center program to run on a windows based system.

I am a bit lost as to which language would be best for this situation so i am hoping for a little bit of advise on the subject.

I want the program to be similar to XBMC (I don't want to use XBMC because i want to be able to modify the program to do what i want at my will).

I have already created one with windows forms in vb.net which functions really well but i do not like the limitations on the gui (true transparency and lack of transitions are the main ones)

I have tried WPF but i just don't understand it at all, seems really complicated but it seems like what i need to start looking into..

So i need to know if WPF would be my best option? or is there something else that offers the functionality of a vb.net windows form but also offers the ability to create a visually stunning gui.

also is everything that can be done with a vb.net form be done in WPF?


2 回答 2


也许您不仅应该考虑编程语言,还应该考虑组件库(例如DevExpress)标准 Winform-Controlls(以及 WPF)是有限的,因此额外的组件可能会给您一个更好的基础。在这种情况下,您可以继续使用 vb.net(或者您可以考虑使用 c#)。

于 2013-06-04T12:00:16.073 回答

首先,WPF 并不复杂,但如果你以前在 Winforms 中实现应用程序,它肯定是不同的。但是恕我直言,它是实现应用程序的更好的框架,因为它有更多的可能性来设计控件等。
如果你真的想学习 WPF,你也应该看看MVVM。它为实现此类应用程序提供了一种良好的结构化方式。
还有一些其他人创建的框架为实现 MVVM 应用程序提供了良好的基础。所以你不需要重新发明轮子。它们很容易找到。

作为 WPF 开发的好工具(仅用于设计部分),我推荐 MS Blend,尽管它的学习曲线很陡峭。一旦熟悉了它,您将能够轻松创建真正精美的 GUI。

由于 WPF 包含在 .Net 框架中,因此您可以使用 VB.Net 而没有缺点。我更喜欢 C#,但这完全取决于你的喜好。


我误解了最后一部分。是的,您可以像在 Winforms 中一样在 WPF 中提供任何功能。(我猜这是VB.net form的意思。)

于 2013-06-04T12:00:58.150 回答