Time for search copy=15 s.
Time for content copy=45 s.
Time for unzip reply=20 s.
上述行的两侧是日志中不需要的许多其他行。有几种生成此类日志的作业(日志名称是 process.out),因此我们有一个 Job_name 作为每个作业的标识符。我正在使用哈希来读取特定作业的日志。这是代码:
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;
my %Log_name = ();
my %File_name = ();
my %filetoread = ();
my %filetoreadStrings = ();
my @ftr = ();
my @reply = ();
my @content = ();
my @search = ();
my %Reply = ();
my %Search = ();
my %Content = ();
my $curr_dir=`pwd`;
my $Log_name = "ABC-DEF";
my $File_name=<$curr_dir/p*.out>;
my $filetoread = basename ($File_name);
my $filetoreadStrings=`strings $filetoread | egrep "(Time for)"`;
@ftr = split('\n', $filetoreadStrings);
chomp (@ftr);
for (my $count = 0; $count < 6; $count++) #The lines are repeated 6 times except for the "search copy" line which is repeated twice
$reply[$count] = (grep /Time for unzip reply/, @ftr)[$count];
$content[$count] = (grep /Time for content copy/, @ftr)[$count];
$search[$count] = (grep /Time for search copy/, @ftr)[$count];
if (defined $reply[$count])
($Reply{$Log_name}) = $reply[$count] =~ /Time for unzip reply=(\d+) s./;
printf "$Reply{$Log_name}\n";
if (defined $content[$count]) {
($Content{$Log_name})=$content[$count]=~/Time for content copy=(\d+) s./;
printf "$Content{$Log_name}\n";
if (defined $search[$count]) {
($Search{$Log_name}) = $search[$count] =~ /Time for search copy=(\d+) s./;
printf "$Search{$Log_name}\n";
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at new_try_loop.pl line 46.
上面的输出对应于每个 printf 语句。我实际上需要将这些时间值相加来计算总时间,这我没有在代码中显示,因为重要的是首先获得“时间”。
最初,我没有使用 for 循环,而这段代码正在运行。例如,
$reply1 = (grep /Time for unzip reply/, @ftr)[0];
$Reply1{$Log_name}) = $reply1 =~ /Time for unzip reply=(\d+) s./;
$reply2 = (grep /Time for unzip reply/, @ftr)[1];
$Reply2{$Log_name}) = $reply1 =~ /Time for unzip reply=(\d+) s./;
$reply3 = (grep /Time for unzip reply/, @ftr)[2];
$Reply3{$Log_name}) = $reply1 =~ /Time for unzip reply=(\d+) s./;
.......... and so on
以类似的方式,我将值存储在 $Content{$Log_name} 和 $Search{$Log_name} 中。我在这些变量中捕获了正则表达式,然后将它们加起来。我正在使用 for 循环来优化它。