在大多数情况下,每次更改父字段时,我重写的验证方法都会执行两次。一切仍然有效,但 InfoLog 每次都显示双重消息。
public boolean validate()
boolean ret;
int exlowValue;
int lowValue;
int highValue;
int exhighValue;
str errorMessage;
ret = super();
//Make sure a numeric value was entered
if (ABC_RegExValidator::validateMe("integer", int2str (ABC_Checks_checkExtremeLow.value())))
//get the form values
exlowValue = ABC_Checks_checkExtremeLow.value();
lowValue = str2int(ABC_Checks_checkLow.valueStr());
highValue = str2int(ABC_Checks_checkHigh.valueStr());
exhighValue = str2int(ABC_Checks_checkExtremeHigh.valueStr());
//Extreme Low must be 0 or less than all others
if (exlowValue != 0)
//A non-zero value was entered; it must be less than all other fields
if ((exlowValue >= lowValue && lowValue > 0) || (exlowValue >= highValue && highValue > 0) || (exlowValue >= exhighValue && exhighValue > 0))
//Return an error
ret = checkfailed(strFmt("@ABC197", int2str(exlowValue)));
//Not greater than any other value
ret = true;
} //Greater than all others?
//No errors
ret = true;
} // 0?
//Regular expression failed
//Return an error
ret = checkfailed("@ABC192");
} //Regular expression
return ret;