I apologize that is isn't strictly a coding question. Has anyone come across a good BASIC tutorial explaining how to drag things in Easeljs? I've been experimenting with jQuery Mobile and the 'touch punch' plugin in the DOM for an app I'm developing and it works great. All devices, all browsers. But i recently read that phonegap totally sucks so I'm trying to get the same effects in Canvas for Cocoonjs.

But I can't seem to get anything working in Canvas. I've scoured the web and it seems everyone just reuses Easeljs' daisy example.

Has anyone found a good, simple, clear example without all the extra BS? Thanks in advance. And again I apologize this isn't a coding question.


1 回答 1


如果我理解正确,您是否正在尝试在画布上使用 jQuery 进行拖放?如果是这样,那么简单的答案是:不可能。(至少不是开箱即用,完成这项工作需要付出太多努力,而且毫无意义)

除了你自己已经回答了你的问题之外,这里的 EaselJS Daisy DragAndDrop 示例:https ://github.com/CreateJS/EaselJS/tree/master/examples已经是一个完美的例子 - 不幸的是它不会得到比这简单得多。

于 2013-06-03T09:07:47.377 回答