我的算法找到两个数字的 HCF,并以表格显示的理由r = a*aqr + b*bqr
,只是部分工作,即使我很确定我已经输入了所有正确的公式 - 基本上,它可以并且会找到 HCF,但我我还试图提供 Bezout 引理的演示,所以我需要显示上述显示的理由。该程序:
# twonumbers.py
inp = 0
a = 0
b = 0
mul = 0
s = 1
r = 1
q = 0
res = 0
aqc = 1
bqc = 0
aqd = 0
bqd = 1
aqr = 0
bqr = 0
res = 0
temp = 0
fin_hcf = 0
fin_lcd = 0
seq = []
inp = input('Please enter the first number, "a":\n')
a = inp
inp = input('Please enter the second number, "b":\n')
b = inp
mul = a * b # Will come in handy later!
if a < b:
print 'As you have entered the first number as smaller than the second, the program will swap a and b before proceeding.'
temp = a
a = b
b = temp
print 'As the inputted value a is larger than or equal to b, the program has not swapped the values a and b.'
print 'Thank you. The program will now compute the HCF and simultaneously demonstrate Bezout\'s Lemma.'
print `a`+' = ('+`aqc`+' x '+`a`+') + ('+`bqc`+' x '+`b`+').'
print `b`+' = ('+`aqd`+' x '+`a`+') + ('+`bqd`+' x '+`b`+').'
c = a
d = b
while r != 0:
if s != 1:
c = seq[s-1]
d = seq[s]
res = divmod(c,d)
q = res[0]
r = res[1]
aqr = aqc - (q * aqd)#These two lines are the main part of the justification
bqr = bqc - (q * aqd)#-/
print `r`+' = ('+`aqr`+' x '+`a`+') + ('+`bqr`+' x '+`b`+').'
aqd = aqr
bqd = bqr
aqc = aqd
bqc = bqd
s = s + 1
fin_hcf = seq[-2] # Finally, the HCF.
fin_lcd = mul / fin_hcf
print 'Using Euclid\'s Algorithm, we have now found the HCF of '+`a`+' and '+`b`+': it is '+`fin_hcf`+'.'
print 'We can now also find the LCD (LCM) of '+`a`+' and '+`b`+' using the following method:'
print `a`+' x '+`b`+' = '+`mul`+';'
print `mul`+' / '+`fin_hcf`+' (the HCF) = '+`fin_lcd`+'.'
print 'So, to conclude, the HCF of '+`a`+' and '+`b`+' is '+`fin_hcf`+' and the LCD (LCM) of '+`a`+' and '+`b`+' is '+`fin_lcd`+'.'