Hi I'm using JNI in android, eclipse.

To start with, I tried to run a demo in OpenCV using JNI. Even though the program compiles and runs in my Android Phone, when I opened the C codes in JNI folder out of curiosity, the project shows countless errors in that file and the project will never compile anymore.

I think it is because eclipse cannot parse the C codes correctly, nevertheless the JNI utilities can handle them.

So is there a way to suppress these errors in IDE to make it compile?

(I tag android in expectation that these problems be frequent in android development.)


**** Build of configuration Default for project OpenCV Sample - face-detection ****

Install        : libdetection_based_tracker.so => libs/armeabi-v7a/libdetection_based_tracker.so

**** Build Finished ****

The CDT builds successfully.


2 回答 2


如果 CDT 构建控制台(不是问题视图)中没有显示编译或链接错误,您可以删除问题列表中的错误,应用程序可以运行。如果 CDT 构建控制台中显示错误,请在此处粘贴它们。

于 2013-06-02T03:25:16.270 回答

这也发生在我第一次在 eclipse 中打开 c++ 文件时。我退出 eclipse 并重新启动它,由于某种原因解决了这个问题。

于 2014-03-13T22:50:24.127 回答