I have what might seem like a simple question, but for some reason I am having a problem getting my brain around the concept of having a object with multiple object with in it. For example lets say we have a object with a header and a footer with multiple objects in between.

Like a report, the header would have the name and address. The footer would have a total of the item that where bought. In between would be the line items with the part number, description and a price.

I guess the I can have a object with an header, footer and an array of line item object, all with their own properties. I am using a report as the example, because it’s the only concept that I can think of that will get close to explaining my question.

Can someone please send me a link to or explain on how to create this type of object(s).

I am using VS 2010 and VB.net and I can translate from C# to VB.

    Report Object
       Header Object
         Property Name
         Property Date
       LineItem() Array Object
         Property Part Number
         Property Part Description
         Property Number of Items
         Property Per Item Price
         Property Total price
       Footer Object
         Property Total Items count
         Property Total Price

2 回答 2


杰夫,在 c# 中,最基本的:

public class Report
    // typical simple property in report
    public string ReportUid { get; set; }
    // object properties
    public Header Header { get; set; }
    public Body Body { get; set; }
    public Footer Footer { get; set; }

    public Report()
        Header = new Header();
        Body = new Body();
        Footer = new Footer();

    internal void CalculateFooterTotals()
        // summerize the lineitems values in the footer
        Footer.TotalItems = Body.LineItems
            .Sum(x => x.Quantity);
        Footer.TotalPrice = Body.LineItems
            .Sum(x => x.Total);

public class Header
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public DateTime Date { get; set; }

public class Body
    public IList<LineItem> LineItems { get; set; }

    public Body()
        LineItems = new List<LineItem>();

public class LineItem
    public string PartNumber { get; set; }
    public string PartDescription { get; set; }
    public int Quantity { get; set; }
    public float ItemPrice { get; set; }
    // computed 
    public float Total
        get { return Quantity * ItemPrice; }

public class Footer
    // populated via report.CalculateFooterTotals()
    public int TotalItems { get; internal set; }
    public float TotalPrice { get; internal set; }

一些属性当然是计算出来的,而不是 get/set。

[编辑] - 认为添加一些用法是一个好习惯,因为我看到你问道格拉斯这个问题(很可能来自数据库或其他来源):

// usage - set up report
var report = new Report {
    ReportUid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
    Header =
        Name = "My new report", 
        Date = DateTime.UtcNow
// add lineitems to body (in real case, probably a loop)
report.Body.LineItems.Add(new LineItem()
        Quantity = 1,
        ItemPrice = 12.30f,
        PartDescription = "New shoes", 
        PartNumber = "SHOE123"
report.Body.LineItems.Add(new LineItem()
        Quantity = 3, 
        ItemPrice = 2.00f, 
        PartDescription = "Old shoes", 
        PartNumber = "SHOE999"
report.Body.LineItems.Add(new LineItem()
        Quantity = 7, 
        ItemPrice = 0.25f, 
        PartDescription = "Classic Sox", 
        PartNumber = "SOX567"
// summerize the lineitems values in the footer

现在将报告应用到您的画布表面(html 等)

private static void DispalyData(Report report)
    // set out the basics

    // now loop round the body items
    foreach (var lineItem in report.Body.LineItems)
        Console.WriteLine("New Item---");
        Console.WriteLine("End Item---");

    // display footer items

// called in code as:

希望这扫描正常...将其推送到社区 wiki(通过编辑),因为它是一个普遍追捧的主题。

[顺便说一句] - 尽管你会知道 c# 到 vb.net 转换器,我试过这个,它看起来很有希望: http: //www.developerfusion.com/tools/convert/csharp-to-vb

于 2013-10-09T14:44:25.303 回答


Public Class Report
  Public Property Header As Header
  Public Property LineItems As IEnumerable(Of LineItem)
  Public Property Footer As Footer
End Class

Public Class Header
  Public Property Name As String
  ' This probably isn't the best word choice because it is a type alias in VB
  Public Property [Date] As Date
End Class

Public Class LineItem
  Public Property PartNumber As Integer
  Public Property PartDescription As String
  Public Property NumberOfItems As Integer
  Public Property PerItemPrice As Decimal
  Public Property TotalPrice As Decimal
End Class

Public Class Footer
  Public Property TotalItemsCount As Integer
  Public Property TotalPrice As Decimal
End Class


Dim myReport As New Report()
Dim myHeader As New Header()
Dim lineItem1 As New LineItem()
Dim lineItem2 As New LineItem()
Dim myFooter As New Footer()
With myReport
    .Header = myHeader
    .Footer = myFooter
    .LineItems = {lineItem1, lineItem2}   
End With
于 2013-10-09T14:41:51.823 回答