We have in PHP the jagged array declaration is like this:

$classmates = array ('Name' => array ('Bob', 'Jane', 'Jill'),
                    'Age' => array (18, 20, 23));

echo $classmates['Name'][1] . ' is ' . $classmates['Age'][1] . ' years old!';

can we do same initialization of array in C#??

If yes than how? also tell me if it is possible to do with data type List?


1 回答 1


好吧,从字面上讲,你可以在 C# 中做这样的事情:

    var arr = new Array[] { 
        new[] {"Bob", "Jane", "Jill"},
        new[] { 18,20,23 }};

我会说这可能不是一个好主意。在 C# 中,这样说会更好:

var arr = new[] { 
    new Person {Name = "Bob", Age = 18},
    new Person {Name = "Jane", Age = 20},
    new Person {Name = "Jill", Age = 23}};

或者,如果您不打算创建实际的 Person 类,则可以使用匿名类:

var arr = new[] { 
    new {Name = "Bob", Age = 18},
    new {Name = "Jane", Age = 20},
    new {Name = "Jill", Age = 23}};


于 2013-06-01T02:15:11.340 回答